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General Skin Reproduction Food Handling 100 100 100 100 100 200 200

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Presentation on theme: "General Skin Reproduction Food Handling 100 100 100 100 100 200 200"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Skin Reproduction Food Handling 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 FR

2 Amphibians are in what kingdom?
What is animalia

3 Amphibians are ____ blooded, meaning what?
What is Cold, control temp with surroundings

4 The series of physical changes that an amphibian goes through is known as___?
What is Metamorphosis

5 What phylum do amphibians belong in?
What is chordata

6 Most amphibians have ____ skin.
What is Moist or thin

7 Amphibians have thin skin to allow them to absorb what 2 things?
What is Water, Oxygen

8 What is Camo, thin to absorb moisture, toxic, slippery
Name & describe 3 different characteristics related to an amphibian’s skin. What is Camo, thin to absorb moisture, toxic, slippery

9 If you observe blotches on the inside of a frogs leg, it may have this disease?
What is Red leg

10 Most amphibians breed in this environment.
What is water

11 This sense is very important for mating frogs.
What is Hearing

12 Frog eggs attach to what, which will become their first meal?
What is vegetation

13 Newts attract a mate through scent
Newts attract a mate through scent. What is the scientific term for this scent? What is A Pheromone

14 Amphibians most commonly eat what?
What are Insects?

15 Tadpoles in an aquarium can be fed what?
What is Palletized dog, cat, rabbit food

16 Amphibians use what structure to help push food down their throat?
What is Their eyes

17 Salamanders can be fed what human food?
What is Hamburger

18 Never pick a frog up by its what?
What are Legs

19 Why do salamanders lose their tails?
What is To escape

20 Why should you wash your hands after handling an amphibian?
What is To avoid being poisoned.

21 What should you do to prepare to handle a salamander ?
What is Put water on your hands.

22 Final Round Why is it uncommon for amphibians to get red leg and fungal infections in the wild? What is It isn’t common for them to be in stagnant water, and they aren’t handled so it is less likely for their skin to be cut.

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