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Https:// EOC Review

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EOC Review

2 Organelles Cells Tissues  Organs  Organ Systems Organism Population Community Ecosystem

3 Homeostasis Healthy, Happy Place, Balanced

4 Monomer of Carbohydrates? Function?
Glucose/Monosaccharide Primary source of energy

5 Which Biomolecule? Monomer? Function?
Nucleic Acids (RNA and DNA) Nucleotide Store Genetic Information

6 Enzymes Are: Catalysts Which means they: Speed up chemical reactions

7 Decrease!!!! Enzymes Decrease or Increase the energy needed for
chemical reactions? Decrease!!!!

8 Autotroph/Producers Ex. Plants, trees, and algae
Organism that make their own food. Can

9 Heterotroph/Consumers
Ex. Deer, fungi, and foxes Organism that make their own food. Can’t

10 copyright cmassengale
Energy Pyramid If the producer in this pyramid yeilds 2100 kcals of energy, then the secondary consumer will get about…… 21 kcals! copyright cmassengale

11 Biological Magnification
Pesticides/Toxins (increase/decrease) as they move through trophic levels. Increase!

12 CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere through:

13 Lost as Heat 10% Rule: What happens to the energy not used or passed on?

14 Soil Starts with: soil or no soil? Secondary Succession
Climax community Pioneer plants Starts with: soil or no soil? Examples include: Soil Forest Fires Natural Disasters

15 Which Biomolecules? Function?
Nucleic Acids Stores Genetic Information

16 Bacteria Prokaryotic

17 Animal Eukaryotic

18 Plant Eukaryotic

19 What surrounds the nucleus?
How could a scientist determine if a cell is eukaryotic or prokaryotic? Look for Nucleus! What surrounds the nucleus? Nuclear membrane! What type of material does the nucleus contain? Genetic Material

20 Chloroplast Convert energy into Solar Glucose/food

21 Function of Ribosomes Makes proteins

22 Cell membrane Maintains homeostasis

23 Mitochondria Energy

24 Passive Transport high low Weeee!!! Examples: Diffusion Osmosis

25 Osmosis -diffusion of water molecules from high to low concentration

26 What would happen if this freshwater protist was suddenly dropped into a saltwater environment?
Water would diffuse out of the cell!

27 O2 is being released from the plant
O2 is being released from the plant. What else can we infer is being produced? Glucose

28 Reactants of Cellular Respiration? Products of Photosynthesis?
CO H2O  C6H12O O2 Photosynthesis C6H12O O2  CO H2O + ATP Cellular respiration -C6H12O6 -O2 Reactants Products

29 A reaction in the presence of oxygen is considered to be……

30 The anaerobic process muscles use to make energy when deprived of oxygen is……
Lactic Acid Fermentation

31 Homologous structures
Same Structure/physical traits Similar Structure Different Jobs Shows organisms are related!!!!!

32 Commensalism A Ramora fish follows a shark feeding off of the shark’s scraps and getting protection from the “big bad fish”. The Ramora fish does not bother the shark.

33 Parasitism A Mistletoe has no roots of its own and lives off the tree that it attaches itself to. It slowly chokes out the life of the host tree.

34 Mutualism The cleaner fish eats parasites out of the inside of this moray eel. It gets a meal and is protected from predators by the fierce eel. The Moray eel gets clean of parasites.

35 What makes DNA slightly different in different species?
The order and sequence of the bases

36 Charles Darwin Father of:
Evolution Evolution states: all life as we know it came from……. A common Ancestor 36

37 Natural Selection “Survival of the fittest”
Those that are better suited to their environment (better physical characteristics) survive and reproduce successfully

38 This is a ___________ molecule DNA The shape is known as: Double Helix It is located in the: Nucleus The building blocks of DNA: Nucleotides The sugar in DNA is: Deoxyribose

39 A,T,C, and G are the examples of what part of the nucleotide.
Nitrogenous Bases

40 The bonds that hold the nucleotides together...
Hydrogen Bonds

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