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JPI Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate)

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Presentation on theme: "JPI Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate)"— Presentation transcript:

1 JPI Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate)
Towards collaborative practice-oriented climate research in Europe Petra Manderscheid JPI Climate Central Secretariat

2 What is Joint Programming Initiative (JPI)?
Credit picture: Kevin Flickr The joint programming concept was introduced by the European Commission in July 2008 to support implementation of the European Research Area.

3 The role of JPIs in the European Research Area
The objective of the joint programming concept is to ‘increase the value of relevant national and EU R&D funding by concerted and joint planning, implementation and evaluation of national research programmes’ Credit picture: Sharon Flickr

4 JPI Climate: Point of Departure and Motivation
Climate Research in Europe Predominantly natural-science based Weak link between knowledge production and application (science and decision-makers) 4 4

5 JPI Climate is a structured and flexible collaboration process on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach to coordinate climate research and fund new transnational research initiatives . Credit picture: Flickr

6 JPI Climate aims to respond to the knowledge needs of policy and the European society at large to address climate change provides a platform to align national research priorities according to a jointly agreed Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) facilitates the coordination, collaboration and exploitation of synergies in climate change research connects different disciplinary approaches in natural and social sciences; top researchers and research groups from different European countries; and scientific insights with the demands of policy makers, decision makers and other stakeholders

7 The added value of JPI Climate
Enhanced societal relevance Higher scientific quality Long-term continuity High level commitment Stronger global position Credit picture: Alejandro Flickr

8 JPI Climate partners 12 Member Countries 5 Associated Members
Finnland 5 Associated Members Norway Russia Sweden Estonia ERA4CS partners Latvia + European Commission + Partner Institutions (EEA, ECRA, ESA, NordForsk) Denmark Lithuania Ireland Belarus Great Britain Nether- lands Poland Germany Belgium Ukraine Czech Republic Luxembourg Slovakia Moldova France Switzer/ land Austria Hungary Romania Slovenia Croatia Bosnia/ Herze- govina Serbia Bulgaria Monte- negro Portugal Italy Mace- donia Turkey Spain Albania Greece Malta

9 JPI Climate SRIA: 3 challenges + Strategic Mechanism
Challenge 1: Understanding the processes and consequences of climate change Challenge 2: Improving knowledge on climate-related decision-making processes and measures Challenge 3: Researching sustainable societal transformation in the context of climate change Strategic Mechanism: Connecting people, problems and solutions in a systemic approach

10 JPI Climate Governance structure (to be adopted)
GOVERNING BOARD (GB) ExCom 1 Chair & 4 Members Co-leaders of Action Groups Transdisciplinary Advisory Board (TAB) ACTION GROUPS (AG) Informal Group of AG Speakers CENTRAL SECRETARIAT (CS) SRIA SCOPING FORUM DRAFT JPI Climate Governance structure (to be adopted)

11 Activities: Fast Track Activities
Some examples: Towards a European strategy for climate modelling: coordination and next generation of climate models Greenhouse gas verification Mapping climate services users’ requirements: What do we know and what not? Mapping climate services providers in Europe Scoping, reviewing and facilitating social science contributions to climate change research Effectiveness of knowledge transfer at the occasion of the publication of the IPCC AR5

12 Activities: Joint calls
2013 Transnational Collaborative Research Projects, approx. 10MEuro: all projects running Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change Russian Arctic & Boreal Systems 2015 Call for Climate Services Collaborative Research action on Climate Predictability and Inter-regional Linkages (with Belmont Forum) approx. 15MEuro: all projects running Drivers and mechanisms linking Poles & Monsoons for societal usefulness of climate services 2016 ERA-NET COFUND “European Research Area for Climate Services” (ERA4CS) Joint transnational co-funded call, with 16 countries and up to 75MEuro: a “cash” topic, supported by 12 RFOs, on co-development for user needs and action-oriented projects an “in-kind” topic, supported by 28 RPOs, on institutional integration of the research components of national CS

13 Current and Future Opportunities
2016/2017 Development of a new JPI Climate Liaison Strategy: focus on widening participation stakeholder engagement ERA-NET COFUND on Climate Services Roadmap: Cross-sector impact assessments (evaluation, comparison and integration) (2017) CSA on Widening international cooperation activities on climate adaptation and mitigation (2017)

14 Thank you Petra Manderscheid
Thank you

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