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Surgery and Anatomy Special Topic 2010

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1 Surgery and Anatomy Special Topic 2010
This means that Section A of your medicine paper in June will be on surgery and anatomy You will be given 4 sources and have to answer 4 questions that get harder as they go on You have to answer all questions in this section – no choice!

2 Lesson Objectives To use sources to identify key features in the development of surgery and anatomy through time You will be able to give reasons for the key areas of change in surgery and anatomy, (progress, regress and continuity) You will be able to explain how key factors led to developments in surgery and anatomy

3 What key themes and trends can you identify?
What were the main problems with surgery? What were the key elements of continuity, progress and regress? Why? What factors had the most impact on surgery?

4 Prehistoric

5 Egyptian

6 Greek

7 Roman

8 Dark Ages

9 Islamic World

10 Middle Ages


12 Renaissance


14 Industrial Revolution


16 Modern Surgery


18 When was the key turning point in surgery through time?

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