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Periodisation of training

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1 Periodisation of training
The aim of training is to improve performance. The process of breaking down the training programme into manageable units, each with its own goal is known as periodisation.

2 Periodisation of training
In the early days of sports training, pre-season, competition and recovery was enough. However as knowledge, technology and methods have advance training has become much more sophisticated. Periodisation will allow the performer to ‘peak’ at the appropriate times.

3 Macro / Meso / Micro-cycles
A macro-cycle is the whole training programme. Often the calendar year. However for an Olympic athlete it may be for four years. A macro-cycle is broken down into meso-cycles. A meso-cycle is a phase of training, often a month or six weeks. The length of each meso-cycle will depend upon it’s aim. Many performers may use up to 6 meso-cycles in a calendar year. These 6 cycles would cover preparation, competition and recovery.

4 Periodisation of training
Meso-cycles would be systematic in their design. Meso 1 – general fitness work, this stage is known as training to train. Meso 2 – more specific ie speed / strength work, intensity of training increases considerably. Meso 3 – start of the competitive season, general training is reduced and replaced by competitive work. Qualifying for a championship.

5 Periodisation of training
There may be a phase 4 where training is reduced to avoid overuse and allow the body to recover. Phase 5 would be ‘peaking’ it is the culmination of competition. Phase 6 is the recovery phase during which the body will be allowed to recover from a vigorous season.

6 Periodisation of training
Each meso-cycle is broken down into micro-cycles. This is often a typical week. This may be broken down into training units. A unit is a period of training with a specific aim. This may speed training, 6 x 60m sprints. Any training sessions may contain more than one unit. Stretching, mobility work may all be include with strength / speed work.

7 An overview Macro-cycle A year or longer Meso 1 Meso 2 Meso 3 Meso 4
Train Meso 2 Train to Compete Meso 3 Compete Meso 4 Compete Meso 5 Peak Meso 6 recover Micro 1 Micro 2 Micro 3 Micro 4 Micro 5 Micro 6 1 2 3 4 16

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