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GCSE Information Evening 2017

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1 GCSE Information Evening 2017

2 Mathematics Department
Curriculum Leader – Mr N Patel

3 MATHS Mr Sadler

4 The Maths GCSE Things have changed! New Linear GCSE.
One exam at the end of Year 11 split into 3 papers. Foundation has been stretched to include harder content. The end of Year 10 mock is very important. The SoW has been set up like “a potato race” Understanding is going to be the key.

5 Revision: When! Effective revision must take place over a long period of time so start ASAP. 5 evenings a week. You choose which evenings but keep the same nights each week. Revise at the same time each evening. How long for? Only 15 minutes. BUT this does not include setting up. Use a kitchen timer.

6 Revision: Where! Revising in your bedroom or living room is NOT ideal, there are too many distractions. The ideal place is the dining room or in the kitchen. Here there is a table to work on and little in the way of other distractions.

7 Revision: What! Reading Maths is largely ineffective. You must do Maths! Past Exam Papers Revision Workbooks MyMaths/ Maths Watch CD/ BBC Bitesize etc... Redo class work. Kerboodle Teach someone else. As a parent, be prepared to assume the role of the student.

8 But Remember: Repetition is the Key!
Revision But Remember: Repetition is the Key!

9 Edmodo Mr Routhorn

10 Edmodo is a communication tool
See what homework is being set Students can ask the class for help Work can be set for catch up Important information

11 Get yourself involved Sign up as a parent (Thankyou to those of you that have already)

12 English Department Curriculum Leader – Mrs C McLauchlan

13 Information GCSE changes What is being taught? How can you help?

14 GCSE changes Numbered grading 100% examination at the end of Year 11
Closed text book – Need to learn the quotations

15 English Language Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing Fiction paper Reading = inference, exploration and analysis of meaning. Writing = Narrative styles. Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives Non – Fiction paper. Reading = understanding news articles, leaflets, web pages… Writing = writing for purpose and audience. Non-examination Assessment: Spoken Language Separate endorsement

16 English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel 40%
Macbeth A Christmas Carol, Jekyll and Hyde Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry 60% An Inspector Calls, Poetry anthology, Unseen poetry

17 How can you help? Test your child regularly
Encourage them to revise topic being studied (revision notes, teaching others, Edmodo, past papers, quotation cards) Go back over previous topics (punctuation, spelling, grammar) Read fiction and non-fiction. Analyse junk mail and non fiction found around the house: How does the writer persuade the reader? Reading and checking work – all subjects! Expect homework

18 Revision tips! Be active revisers Focused highlighting

19 Science Department Curriculum Leader – Mr M Ellis

20 ‘New’ Science Your child is doing either Double award science: Trilogy Or Separate Sciences: Triple

21 Trilogy Worth 2 GCSES Student will get two grades but these can only differ by 1 e.g. could get 9 9, 8 8, 7 7, 9 8, 6 7, 5 4 etc but not 7 4, 8 5, 9 7 etc There is not a separate grade for each area or exam, it’s a combined grade. Students have 2 teachers and have 6 lessons a week.

22 Triple Worth 3 GCSES Student will get three grades and they can be different for each subject e.g. could get 9 Physics 6 Biology 7 Chemistry Students have 3 teachers and have 9 lessons a week.

23 Exams All students will take 6 exams but the triple ones are longer (Triple: 1hr 45, Trilogy: 1hr 15)


25 How can you help? Encourage students to take revision for assessments seriously Test them on the formulae that they should know or on a particular topic




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