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Science fair- Put your logbook inside your board.

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Presentation on theme: "Science fair- Put your logbook inside your board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science fair- Put your logbook inside your board.
Put your board on the table that matches your class period –Ex. 1st period on Table 1 Put your name on the stick note. When Mrs. Cancasci holds your board up, claim it with the sticky note.

2 List the ways that the atmosphere is different from outer space.
Bell work List the ways that the atmosphere is different from outer space.

3 Atmosphere Introduction
By Mrs. Cancasci

4 Atmosphere Atmosphere-a mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon Every living thing on Earth affects Earth’s atmosphere.

5 Composition of Atmosphere
Nitrogen % Oxygen % Water Vapor – 0 to 4% Carbon Dioxide % Other gases make up the rest

6 Air pressure Air pressure-the measure of the force with which air particles push on a surface. As altitude increases, air pressure decreases. Pressure is greatest at Earth’s surface because of all the air above pushing down.

7 Air temperature Temperature measures the average energy of particles in motion. Air temperature changes with altitude due to the amount of solar energy absorbed by the gases in the atmosphere. -Some gases absorb more energy than others.

8 Layers of the atmosphere
Based on temperature changes, the earth’s atmosphere is divided into 4 layers. These layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. -sphere means "ball," Tropo- means "turning" or "change," Strato- means "layer," Meso- means "middle," thermo- means "heat,"


10 Atmospheric Layers Tropopause separates Troposphere from
Stratosphere. Generally higher in summer Lower in winter. So far, we have seen that both air pressure and air density decrease with height above the earth Air temperature has a more complicated vertical profile. Look at this diagram, notice that air temp normally decreases from the surface up to about 11 km (36,000 ft) or 7 mi. This decrease in air temp with increasing height is due mainly to the fact that the sunlight warms the earth’s surface and the surface then warms the air above it. The rate at which air temp decreases with height is called Lapse Rate. The standard lapse rate is about 3.6F per 1000 ft of rise. Note this is only an average and is not always the case. There are times when air temperature actually increases with height. This condition is known as a temperature inversion. We use radiosondes to measure the day to day changes in the lapse rate. Troposphere – Temp decrease w/ height Most of our weather occurs in this layer Varies in height around the globe, but Averages about 11 km in height. Figure 1.7

11 Troposphere The lowest layer of the atmosphere is called the troposphere km above Earth’s surface the densest atmospheric layer 90% of the atmosphere's total mass! 75% of all gases Almost all carbon dioxide, water vapor, clouds, air pollution, weather, and life-forms are in the troposphere. Temperature decreases with height

12 Tropopause Ceiling to the weather formations
Tropopause separates Troposphere from Stratosphere. Generally higher in summer lower in winter. Jet streams are just below this layer


14 Atmospheric Layers Stratosphere Temperature inversion in stratosphere
Ozone plays a major part in heating the air At this altitude So far, we have seen that both air pressure and air density decrease with height above the earth Air temperature has a more complicated vertical profile. Look at this diagram, notice that air temp normally decreases from the surface up to about 11 km (36,000 ft) or 7 mi. This decrease in air temp with increasing height is due mainly to the fact that the sunlight warms the earth’s surface and the surface then warms the air above it. The rate at which air temp decreases with height is called Lapse Rate. The standard lapse rate is about 3.6F per 1000 ft of rise. Note this is only an average and is not always the case. There are times when air temperature actually increases with height. This condition is known as a temperature inversion. We use radiosondes to measure the day to day changes in the lapse rate. Figure 1.7

15 Stratosphere The atmospheric layer above the troposphere is called the stratosphere km above earth’s surface. Gases are layered and do not mix as much as gases in the troposphere The air is also very thin and contains little moisture. The lower stratosphere is extremely cold. Contains the ozone layer

16 Atmospheric Layers Mesosphere
Middle atmosphere – Air thin, pressure low, Need oxygen to live in this region. Air quite Cold -100°C near the top of mesosphere So far, we have seen that both air pressure and air density decrease with height above the earth Air temperature has a more complicated vertical profile. Look at this diagram, notice that air temp normally decreases from the surface up to about 11 km (36,000 ft) or 7 mi. This decrease in air temp with increasing height is due mainly to the fact that the sunlight warms the earth’s surface and the surface then warms the air above it. The rate at which air temp decreases with height is called Lapse Rate. The standard lapse rate is about 3.6F per 1000 ft of rise. Note this is only an average and is not always the case. There are times when air temperature actually increases with height. This condition is known as a temperature inversion. We use radiosondes to measure the day to day changes in the lapse rate. Figure 1.7

17 Mesosphere Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere 50-85km above earth’s surface It is also the coldest layer. Temperatures can be as low as –100°C at the top the temperature decreases as altitude increases

18 Atmospheric Layers Thermosphere
“Hot layer” – oxygen molecules absorb energy from solar Rays warming the air. Very few atoms and molecules in this Region. So far, we have seen that both air pressure and air density decrease with height above the earth Air temperature has a more complicated vertical profile. Look at this diagram, notice that air temp normally decreases from the surface up to about 11 km (36,000 ft) or 7 mi. This decrease in air temp with increasing height is due mainly to the fact that the sunlight warms the earth’s surface and the surface then warms the air above it. The rate at which air temp decreases with height is called Lapse Rate. The standard lapse rate is about 3.6F per 1000 ft of rise. Note this is only an average and is not always the case. There are times when air temperature actually increases with height. This condition is known as a temperature inversion. We use radiosondes to measure the day to day changes in the lapse rate. Figure 1.7

19 Thermosphere The uppermost atmospheric layer is called the thermosphere 85 km above Earth’s surface and into space Atoms of nitrogen and oxygen absorb high-energy solar radiation and release thermal energy causing an increase in temperature This layer has two parts Ionosphere Exosphere

20 Ionosphere-500 km nitrogen and oxygen atoms absorb harmful solar energy As a result, the thermosphere's temperature rises, and gas particles become electrically charged. Electrically charged particles are called ions. In polar regions these ions radiate energy as shimmering lights called auroras

21 Exosphere Contains radiation Above 600km above earth’s surface

22 Review- Complete the Worksheet in your IAN on 5-4 Brain pop!

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