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Police Report  City Council Report August 2017 

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1 Police Report  City Council Report August 2017 

2 Dispatched Calls 2017 2016 Yearly 2016 – 12,393 2015 – 12,819
Jan – 1152 Feb – 821 March – 1020 April – 901 May – 1065 June – 1069 July – 1294 Aug – 1225 Sept – Oct – Nov – Dec – Running Total – 8547 2016 Jan – 850 Feb – 911 March – 1021 April – 1073 May – 1131 June – 1055 July – 1230 Aug – 1062 Sept – 1085 Oct – 1002 Nov – 835 Dec – 1138 Yearly 2016 – 12,393 2015 – 12,819 2010 – 7167

3 Assists Outside Agency
2017 Jan – 195 Feb – 101 March - 158 April – 156 May – 166 June – 155 July - 208 Aug – 185 Sept – Oct - Nov – Dec - Running total: 1324

4 Activity Report Held a mental health wellness meeting
Started 9th CPA (Commissioner Millburn) Kimberly Burton Graduating POST Sept 21st Officer LaBounty Graduated POST K-9 School Next COP TALK Monday September 25th 5-6 pm Next Drug Take Back and WX Shredding Day October 28th City Hall

5 Use of Force Reviews 2 taser points 1 handgun point
Use of force cases are reviewed

6 Paul Howard’s Funeral

7 SWAT Team Activity 16 Hours Training (NTOA Standard) were completed during the Mountain States SWAT Competition that the team participated in. SWAT team assisted us in search warrant service on home invasion case.

8 Woods Cross School Activities
Parking and other construction related problems Football team 3-1 Kids Trying to Navigate to classes

9 K-9 Activity 8/12 X Assist to Davis County Search and Rescue. Located the missing juvenile above Duel Creek Trail in Centerville.   8/22  X Assist to DCSO. Called on a to try and do a track at the bird refuge in Layton. They located evidence items with blood on them and believed a crime had been committed. We searched the area for a bit and then it was called off by DCSO pending them getting a victim or more suspect information.   8/24 X Assist to Clearfield at the request of DCSO K9. DCSO was on an assist to Clearfield and requested Ranger to come help with a track. A female was assaulted at the front runner station in Clearfield by what was believed to be a homeless male. A camp was located in the field north of where the assault happened, and where the suspect was last seen running. We checked the area but nothing was located.   8/29  X Assist to Sunset PD. Sunset PD arrested a male for several charges including aggravated assault. While officers were completing the investigation, he was able to slip one hand out of cuffs. He rolled down the patrol vehicle window and opened the door from the outside before making his escape. They lost him after a short foot chase. Ranger located the male on the roof of a shed and he was taken in to custody again.   Ranger had 1 medical incident during the month. On the track on 8/22 he got a fox tail weed stuck in his ear that had to be removed by the vet. Single day recovery and he was back.

10 Detective Division 47 active cases.  On August 22, 2017 patrol officers were dispatched to a report of a home invasion in progress at The Park apartments. When they arrived they found that two suspects entered the apartment, one of them held the victim as the other went to the back bedroom and stole $ Because of the information provided by the victim investigators were able to secure a search warrant for another apartment in the complex. We are still assembling information and it appears that charges will be filed in the near future on one of the suspects.

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