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Monxton Parish Council

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1 Monxton Parish Council
Agenda: AGM and Parish Council Meeting 12th April pm

2 Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman 3. Declaration of Interests 4. Parish Council Vacancy 5. Financial Report - End of Year Accounts 6. Black Swan/Car Park/Village Green update 7. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 8. Minutes of the Previous Meeting review 9. Reports:- Planning Environment & Footpaths Traffic & Highways Village Hall Website & Communications Neighbourhood Watch Sunnybank Plans for 2017/ HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 11. Correspondence 12. Close of the meeting Dates for the next meetings: 12 July, 11 October

3 Parish Council Vacancy
Peter Parfrey, councillor with the portfolio for Traffic & Highways, has resigned creating a vacancy on MPC Applications from villagers should be made to the Parish Clerk Interviews with candidates will be held at the village hall The successful applicant will be notified and co-opted

4 Financial Report Results 2016/2017 Budget 2017/2018 INCOME
Results 2016/2017 Budget 2017/2018 INCOME Opening Balance £4,232.74 £1,021 Precept £5,700 VAT refund £875.97 Invoice refund £10.20 TOTAL £10,818.91 £6,721 EXPENDITURE Wages £2,400 £1,200 Insurance £384.78 £400 Village maintenance £2,256.49 £2,150 Administration £256 £250 QE90 celebrations £500 - Reserves £4,000 £2,500 £9,797.27 £6,500 Budget surplus £1,021.62 £221

5 Black Swan - Summary Community bid to purchase the pub as a freehold deemed not-viable Report from a RICS surveyor confirmed the valuation was based on a sale for a development site not a pub Renovations costs estimated at £150K with a purchase price of £210k plus VAT Research showed the Monxton community met none of the critical success factors Good news is that there is still the opportunity to purchase the village green using donations and MPC funds

6 Black Swan - Critical Success Factors for a Community-Owned Pub
Community of +/-2000 required for optimum response Limited or zero competition nearby Local benefactor to act “swing financier”: eg “soft” loans Good staff accommodation Limited refurbishments required Enthusiastic support from community Ability to raise an average of £1,000/head (ranges of £500 through to £40,000) Ability to pull together a team with following skills (or free access to these skills): Legal, Commercial, Pubs/hospitality, Financial, VAT, Communications/Marketing

7 Black Swan/Car Park/Village Green
Situation Summary Enterprise Inns own the pub, car park and the village green Enterprise Inns have several options as follows: Sell all three assets as a whole as a free house Sell the pub, car park and village green separately De-licence the pub and then sell off the assets to developers In the event that they sell the pub, car park and village green as separate units or try to de-licence the pub, a number of scenarios will involve TVBC TVBC will not support any de-licencing of the pub TVBC will not support any development on the car park as this will be a back door to de-licence the pub TVBC will not support development of the village green as this is a designated ‘Open Space’

8 MPC - Village Green History
In 1973 a licence was signed between the Parish Council and Strongs Brewery Co of Romsey Ltd granting the use of the land to provide amenity space for the benefit of the inhabitants of Monxton. The right to clear the land of shrubs and trees and to lay lawns and flowerbeds and to erect park benches and seats on the land. The Parish Council agreed to maintain the land and to arrange for public liability insurance. The licence has been sent to a solicitor to review with a view to understanding our options. 

9 Protecting the Village Green & Car Park
Key points: TVBC already has the village green registered as a Open Space under the Borough Plan Village green registered as a Community Asset Offer made last year to purchase green for £1 plus pay EI legal fees In the event that the assets are sold separately purchase the car park with MPC funds and grants/fund raising activities

10 Planning Applications 2016/17
Meadow View 16/00434/LBWN: Demolition of single garage & construction of a double garage. MPC no objection. Pill Hill Lodge 16/00482/FULLN: An extension to the garage to link with the main dwelling; removal of garage door and replace with timber glazing (amended description & plans). MPC no objection. Barn Cottage 16/00284/FULLN: Demolition of existing double garage and erection of a double garage and accommodation on a new 1st floor. MPC objected and application withdrawn Corner Cottage 16/01420/FULLN: Erection of a single dwelling and detached double garage; with associated parking, turning, landscaping, private amenity space, and the creation of a new vehicular access point. MPC No Objection. Planning permission granted. Site sold to local builder for house construction. Andover Business Park 16/01512/OBLN: Modify the planning obligation associated with Planning Permission 09/02392/OUTN by removal of Part II of Schedule 6 regarding HCV Traffic Demand Management systems. This asks to remove the traffic restrictions and allow more than 85 HCVs/HGVs to leave the site in any one hour – a large lorry every 45 seconds. Objection. Village Hall 16/01869/FULLN – Erection of side and rear single storey extension, raise roof over main auditorium and construct mezzanine floor, provision of disabled access ramp to frontage, installation of air source heat pump, prune overhanging trees and remove three trees. MPC supported this application. Planning permission granted Notification of Committee - 16/01512/OBLN – Modify the planning obligation associated with Planning Permission 09/02392/OUTN by removal of part 11 of schedule 6 regarding HCV Traffic Demand Management systems – Andover Business Park. MPC objection. Ongoing

11 MPC Planning Matters Issues with Nelsons lorries going through Monxton
No major feedback from villagers over last 6 months EA have confirmed that they are pursuing Nelsons and Langdowns to take legal action More news awaited……………. Rumours are Nelsons and Langdowns have parted company Raymond Brown lorries and others now coming through village

12 Alpine Update Due to the failure to interest developers due to planning considerations Alpine looking to draw up an outline design for a housing scheme funded by themselves This is a long term plan and we can only trust that they are so successful they have to move for their own commercial reasons

13 Environment Pillhill Brook
Attended a Workshop on behalf of MPC organised by the Test & Itchen Partnership.  A project which aims to tackle changes in land management practices, pollution and other threats to the biodiversity of Hampshire's unique chalk streams, including The Pillhill Brook, is being proposed by them.  It will endeavour to improve water quality and quantity, to protect and enhance Biodiversity and to educate Riperian owners on how they can preserve their sections of the rivers and not cause damage to the rivers by bad practices. Southern Water Attended a Southern Water Stakeholders Meeting on behalf of MPC.  Many topics were covered including securing reliable supplies of drinking water, planning for future growth and possible droughts in the future.  All properties in the Village are now on water meters. The final peice of repair works included in SW's IRP, consisting of repairs to the two sewer river crossings in the Village to protect them from the infiltration of groundwater and river water, have been completed and there have been no issues with the Pumping Station this winter. 

14 Environment Pond Area HCC has completed the Pond clearance works involving de-silting the pond to increase capacity and to expose the existing pipe inlets into the pond, and repairs to the existing headwalls for the inlets. Footpaths and Bridleways MPC together with a number of other local parish councils, applied to join Hampshire County Council's Lengthsman Scheme this year.  Each Parish receives £1000 per year from HCC, but at least 20% of the allocated money must be spent on footpaths. Part of the criteria is that one of the Lengthsman's duties will be to cut the footpaths of each parish and Penton Mewsey PC has agreed to be the lead PC.  This scheme was due to start in April, but our group of 12 Parishes are still waiting for confirmation of  funding , together with 40 other parishes in Hampshire. We hope to have confirmation from HCC in May.

15 Traffic & Highways Following several years of work and a number of meetings both on and off site, we have now achieved new signage , speed limit extensions, and `village gateways` at various strategic locations around Monxton. MPC spoke against Goodmans application to remove the HCV cap at the Northern Area Planning Committee. The application was rejected at that meeting, but later allowed by TVBC`s Planning Control Committee. MPC raised the issue of the long term failure of the ANPR system with HCC, (and other traffic concerns) at a meeting in Winchester, and have recently `kept the pressure on` with a further meeting also attended by a number of councillors and officers both from TVBC and HCC, facilitated and supported by Zilliah Brooks.

16 Village Hall - east & south elevations

17 Village Hall – floor plans

18 Website & Communications
Average of 2000 page views per month 111,300 page views since 2013 2016: 8,125 visitors & 23,827 page views 2017 (to date): 2,390 visitors & 6,996 page views Newsletter 19 newsletters in last 12 months 250 subscribers Average of 69.8% open rate Over 80% of residents on newsletter list (94% excl Sunnybank)

19 Neighbourhood Watch Report
David James is stepping down as NHW Co-ordinator so a new co-ordinator is required General Crime Alerts Spate of thefts from cars, especially when parked in rural locations for dog walking etc ID theft and scams Monxton Crime Alerts 2016/17 Items stolen from a car in Chalkpit Lane Night hawking Rogue traders/Nottinghamshire knockers Horse trailer theft from Broad Road Suspicious vehicles

20 Sunnybank Councillor – Pete Weston, since summer 2016
Play area – Closure due to mid-high H&S risk, work completed swiftly after contact with Sovereign Public land – Query regarding ownership – HCC, TVBC and Aster HCC (maintained by TVBC) – 6 times/year TVBC – Approx every 2 weeks Aster – Between themselves & contractor Remaining issue of dog mess not being picked up on track adjacent to Sunnybank – please pick it up and use the bin

21 Plans for 2017/18 Planning Environment & Footpaths Traffic & Highways
Purchase village green and possibly car park Continue to encourage Alpine Group to move from current site Environment & Footpaths Employ a lengthsman for footpath maintenance Village clean up for spring and autumn Bulb planting for autumn Traffic & Highways 30mph roundels to be painted on roads Continue to monitor lorry movements through the village Continuation of Community Speed Watch Village Hall Fund-raising for the building works Sunnybank

22 Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies. 2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman 3. Declaration of Interests 4. Parish Council Vacancy 5. Financial Report - End of Year Accounts 6. Black Swan/Car Park/Village Green update 7. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 8. Minutes of the Previous Meeting review 9. Reports:- Planning Environment & Footpaths Traffic & Highways Village Hall Neighbourhood Watch Sunnybank 10. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 11. Correspondence 12. Close of the meeting Dates for the 2017 meetings

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