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National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):

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Presentation on theme: "National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):
Largest grassroots mental health organization in the U.S.

2 Mental Health 101 A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning.

3 Mental Health 101 A mental illness is a disease of the brain caused by chemical imbalances.

4 Statistics on Mental Illness:
1 in 4 Americans experience mental illness at some point in their lives.

5 Statistics on Mental Illness:
Mental illness is the greatest cause of disability in the U.S.

6 Statistics on Mental Illness:
Serious mental illnesses (SMI) affect about 11 million people.

7 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Changes in work performance

8 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol

9 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Inability to cope with daily activities

10 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Changes in sleeping and eating habits

11 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Persistent nightmares

12 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Atypically withdrawn or isolated

13 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Loneliness, despair, hopelessness, lack of motivation

14 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Loss of interest in hobbies or favorite activities—Apathy

15 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Inability to concentrate or focus, forgetfulness

16 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Agitation, Irritability, aggressiveness or violence

17 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Explosive temper or frequent outbursts of anger

18 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Hallucinations or delusions, irrational thoughts

19 Symptoms of mental illness can include:
Uncharacteristic behaviors

20 Mental health treatment is more effective than treatment for heart disease:
80% + depression 70-90% panic/anxiety disorders 60% schizophrenia 45-50% heart disease

21 Mental Illness in the Workforce:
Workers with depression lose 5.6 productive hours per week.

22 Mental Illness in the Workforce:
Depression costs employers $44B per year in lost productivity (NIMH 2002).

23 Mental Illness in the Workforce: Effect on Co-workers:
Decreased morale Decreased productivity Increase in workplace accidents

24 Finacial Impact of Substance Abuse:
Substance abusers are 1/3 less productive.

25 Finacial Impact of Substance Abuse:
Drains more than $100B from American businesses each year.

26 Finacial Impact of Substance Abuse:
Substance abusers file 3-5 times more workers’ compensation claims.

27 Finacial Impact of Substance Abuse:
38-50% of workers’ compensation claims are related to substance abuse.

28 Finacial Impact of Substance Abuse:
Substance abusers incur 300% higher medical costs.

29 Finacial Impact of Substance Abuse:
Substance abusers are 2.5 times more likely to be absent 8 or more days per year.

30 Suicide

31 Statistics on Suicide (CDC 2013):
Number of deaths: 41,149 per year

32 Statistics on Suicide:
10th leading cause of death

33 Statistics on Suicide:
1 person dies by suicide very 12.8 minutes.

34 Statistics on Suicide:
Suicide rate is highest among ages

35 Statistics on Suicide:
White males account for 70% of suicides.

36 Statistics on Suicide:
Economic cost is more than $44B annually in U.S.

37 Previous suicide attempts
Suicide Risk factors: Previous suicide attempts

38 Suicide Risk factors: History of depression or other mental health issues

39 Suicide Risk factors: Alcohol or drug abuse

40 Family history of suicide or violence
Suicide Risk factors: Family history of suicide or violence

41 Suicide Risk factors: Physical illness

42 Suicide Risk factors: Feeling alone

43 Be aware of the risk factors
How can we prevent suicide? Be aware of the risk factors

44 How can we prevent suicide?
Learn the warning signs of mental illness

45 How can we prevent suicide?
Spread awareness

46 How can we prevent suicide?
Break the stigma

47 What is Stigma? Shame Blame Secrecy Isolation Stereotypes
Social Exclusion Discrimination

48 How can we Stop Stigma? Educate yourself

49 How can we Stop Stigma? Change our language

50 Talk about mental health
How can we Stop Stigma? Talk about mental health

51 How can we Stop Stigma? Take a Stand

52 How can we Stop Stigma? End the silence

53 What does Nami do? Educates through programs in thousands of communities for individuals and families living with mental illness.

54 What does Nami do? Advocates by shaping national public policy on mental illness.

55 What does Nami do? Listens through a national helpline that provides referrals, information and support.

56 What does Nami do? Leads through public awareness events and activities to encourage understanding of mental illness.

57 How can Nami help pilots?
Support Referrals Programs

58 Nami

59 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

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