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The Secure Lifetime GUL 3 Story

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Presentation on theme: "The Secure Lifetime GUL 3 Story"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Secure Lifetime GUL 3 Story
What Makes It So Unique? Presented by… Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company, member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG)

2 Secure Lifetime GUL 3 comes built with Price Competitiveness and Attractive Options!
Especially when guaranteeing the death benefit to age 105 also strong 100 – 110 Greatest premium strength is continuous pay and 10-pay scenarios Performs best at age 55 + When you have cases that fall into the above criteria, you’ll often see that Secure Lifetime GUL 3 is within 5% of the lowest-cost products on the market.

3 Secure Lifetime GUL 3 (GUL 3) – UNIQUE FEATURES
GUL 3 + Decoupled Living Benefit Riders …and Return of Premium 1 2 3 GUL 3 Accelerated Access Solution® Lifestyle Income Solution® Unlock the power of ROP (Enhanced Surrender Value Rider) 100% ROP for SGUL in year 15

4 The Illustration Says It All!

5 2 Policies Are Better Than 1
Using 2 Policies to Significantly Enhance the Consumer Value Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company, member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG)

6 Secure Lifetime GUL 3 + AG Select-A-Term ®
The New and Improved ROP Play

7 Secure Lifetime GUL 3 + AG Select-A-Term
Example George is 55, preferred NT and currently needs $5M of death benefit protection for his family. He would prefer to not make premium payments during his retirement years. George hopes to maintain some death benefit during his retirement years but not necessarily all $5M. If he could access the policy for income shortfalls or financial emergencies that would be an ideal solution. What do you present to George as the best solution? Term? GUL? IUL? Laddered policies? Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.

8 Secure Lifetime GUL 3 + AG Select-A-Term
Here is one solution from American General Life that you could present: Note: We paid up the GUL in 20 years or at George’s age 75. This supplemental illustration must be preceded or accompanied by a basic illustration for the product described in this material. Please see the basic illustration regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. 2 SAT Premium rate current as of 10/26/2016; rates may vary by state. Premiums available for other rate classes, ages and payment plans. Premium charges depend on evidence of insurability. Premiums increase at the end of the guaranteed term if policy is renewed. Death benefit remains level.

9 Secure Lifetime GUL 3 + AG Select-A-Term
By presenting this solution what did you just accomplish for George? Met his need of $5M of death benefit protection. Reduced the premium outlay by laddering a GUL and a term policy. Allowed George to turn his policy into positive cash flow during his retirement years. With the AAS rider you’ve created a pool of money for George to access in the event of chronic illness. If he waited to accelerate the LIS rider he could increase his annual income. This supplemental illustration must be preceded or accompanied by a basic illustration for the product described in this material. Please see the basic illustration regarding guaranteed and nonguaranteed elements of the policy, including surrender values, accumulation values, loans, withdrawals, death benefits and other important information. 2 SAT Premium rate current as of 10/26/2016; rates may vary by state. Premiums available for other rate classes, ages and payment plans. Premium charges depend on evidence of insurability. Premiums increase at the end of the guaranteed term if policy is renewed. Death benefit remains level.

10 2 Asset Protector Policies
Two Policies for Double the Guaranteed Income Duration

11 2 Asset Protector Policies
Example Jonathan is a 45 year old that desires $1M in death benefit protection. He’s uncertain whether he will need the entire $1M of death benefit in perpetuity. He’s somewhat risk averse and likes the idea of having a guaranteed income source during retirement. Has some concerns on the potential costs of future care should he become chronically ill. What do you present to Jonathan as the best solution? Term and a SPIA? GUL and a deferred annuity? LTC policy? Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.

12 2 Asset Protector Policies
Here are two solutions from American General Life that you could present to Jonathan: 1 Policy Solution $1M Secure Lifetime GUL 3 Asset Protector Premium $11,962 X 20 Years $239,240 Choose two: $60,000 $100,000 Solution #1 Solution #2 2 Policy Solution 2 $500K Secure Lifetime GUL 3 Asset Protector Premium $13,262 X 20 Years $265,240 Choose two: $30,000 $50,000 Although it costs a little extra, Jonathan likes solution #2 for the flexibility AND the ability to have up to 20 years of guaranteed income. Premium rate current as of 10/26/2016

13 2 AG Asset Protector Policies
2 Policy Solution 2 $500K Secure Lifetime GUL 3 Asset Protector Premium $13,262 X 20 Years $265,240 Choose two: $30,000 $50,000 By presenting this solution what did you just accomplish for Jonathan? Provided his desired $1M of death benefit. Yielded a flexible guaranteed income level for up to 20 YEARS! $1M made available for Chronic Illness care should he need it. Provided this flexibility at an additional cost of only about $1,300 per year. 2 Premium rate current as of 10/26/2016

14 2 AG Secure Survivor GUL II Policies
Second-to-Die Presentation with Additional “Optionality”

15 2 AG Secure Survivor GUL II Policies
Example Ernest is 65 and Sandra is 60 and both are standard NT risks. They currently have a $10M insurance need for their personal planning needs. They have some concerns over prior insurance presentations with limited flexibility and options on GUL contracts. However, they don’t want to continue waiting to put insurance in force while they’re both still healthy. What do you present to Ernest and Sandra as the best solution? Standard survivor GUL? Survivor VUL? Two single life policies? Not an actual case, and is a hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.

16 2 AG Secure Survivor GUL II Policies
Solution #1 A standard AG Secure Survivor GUL II would work well. It’s guaranteed cash value and 100% ROP in year 15 may provide the flexibility they desire. This would be an all pay of $123,597 for a guarantee to age They could also surrender their policy in the 15th year and get their entire $1,853,955 of premium back. Solution #2 Need to Know!!! In this instance the 2 policy solution only cost an additional $137 per year – or a 0.11% increase! Premium rate current as of 10/26/2016

17 2 AG Secure Survivor GUL II Policies
By presenting this solution what did you accomplish for Ernest and Sandra? Provided their desired $10M of death benefit. The flexibility to not only cut their coverage in half but also get all of their premium back on the surrendered policy. Easy way to address future gifting changes when one insured passes. Provided this flexibility at an additional cost of only $137 per year. Premium rate current as of 10/26/2016

18 Questions? Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company (AGL). Policy form numbers 15442, ICC , ICC ; rider form numbers 15972, 13600, ICC , 15990, ICC Policy Form Numbers 07007, ICC except in New York, where issued by the United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York (US Life), Policy Form Number 09007N. Issuing company AGL is responsible for financial obligations of insurance products and is a member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). Guarantees are backed by the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. AGL does not solicit business in New York. Products may not be available in all states and product features may vary by state. State variations may apply. Please refer to the policy for complete details. There may be a charge for each rider selected. See rider for details regarding the benefit descriptions, limitations and exclusions. © 2016 AIG. All rights reserved. FOR FINANCIAL PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY — NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION. AGLC REV0116

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