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CSC 361 Artificial Intelligence

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1 CSC 361 Artificial Intelligence
Dr.Yuan Tian Orientation

2 Course Overview Course title: Artificial Intelligence Instructors:
Dr. Yuan Tian —Course Coordinator Ms. Hadeel Alnegheimish Credit hours: 3 Hours Lecture/week 1 Hour Tutorial/week

3 Textbook Further reading: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition 2010 Further reading: George F. Luger, “Artificial Intelligence – Structures and Strategies for Complex problem solving", Pearson International Edition, Sixth edition, 2009. Ben Coppin, “Artificial Intelligence Illuminated”, Jones and Bartlett Illuminated Series, 2004. Nils Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence: A new synthesis”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

4 Goals of CSC 361 It provides a general introduction to artificial intelligence, its techniques and its main subfields. Areas we will cover: Course introduction Introduction to AI Intelligent agents; Search Constraint Satisfaction Problems(CSP) Game Trees Markov Decision Processes Probability Propositional and First-Order Logic Expert System Introduction to Machine learning

5 Grading Quizzes: 10 points Tutorials + Assignments: 10 points
Project(Presentation+Report): 10 points Midterm 1: 15 points Midterm 2: 15 points Final Exam: 40 points

6 About Project… Content Requirements:
To develop intelligent software including modeling, design and performance evaluation. Requirements: 3 (or 2) students/group Final Report (Problem statement, Mathematical modelling, Complete solution, Program) A detailed written report of the project should be submitted in the first week after finishing all lectures.

7 Policies Late submission policy:
• Maximum 2 late days per assignment/project deliverable • Each late day penalized with 10% • No subdivision of late days Legal notices on the world-wide web: Read and comply with accompanying legal notices of downloadable material Specify references used in assignments and project Plagiarism and cheating: Will not be tolerated. Please read the policies of the Computer Science Department

8 Attendances (New Rules )
Anyone with absence of 25% or more will be barred from entering the final exam, NO EXCEPTIONS will be made (even if the student is in his/her final Semester). NO medical excuses should be accepted as a way for deducting the number of absence days (25% of allowed absence in a semester is actually there for the purpose of such health or other emergency circumstances). A medical excuse may only be used in the case that a student misses an exam (to allow for a make-up exam), however, the absence should still be counted. After 15 minutes of being late, student will be considered as absent.

9 Exam Dates Quiz1: 16/10/2016(Sunday) Mid1: 23/10/2016(Sunday)
Final: 8/1/2017(Sunday)

10 Notes for Email Communication
Your header must start with [CSC361] Send your to address. Please write your name and your ID at the end of the

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