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1 Discussion

2 Tes Pakaian formal Pensil kayu 2B, penghapus, kartu tanda id berfoto.

3 Discussion Used to present 2 points of view/ different arguments.
Issue arguments for arguments against recommendation. Argue, state, say, propose Believe, trust, sure,

4 The man who disagrees with you is the club owner. (Nominal)
Because, what, where, when, after, before. I love you because you are rich. The girl who is wearing black veil lives beside my house.(verbal)

5 A Ban on Mobile Phone Issue: Considerable debate has taken place … mobile phone for students. Arguments for taking mobile phones at schools: Communicate freely, enjoy the new technology, reassurance of the parents, more independent. Arguments against: vulnerable to theft & mugging, competitive atmosphere, distraction in class. Recommendation: leave mobile phones at home.

6 Act 2 To describe the issue being the topic of the discussion.
Arguments for are described in p. 2. Paragraph 3 Issue, arguments for, arguments against, recommendation.

7 Act 3 Whether students should be allowed to take their mob phones to school or not. Communicate freely, enjoy the new technology, reassurance of the parents, more independent. Ss are more vulnerable to theft/mugging, mob phone can create competitive atmosphere, and it can create distraction in the classroom Doctors fear that children could suffer from brain damage. Because schools pay attention to their children about theft, competitive atmosphere & distraction, and also to protect them from long term brain damage.

8 Act 4 Explosion (N) = to explode (V) (has+V3) Communicate (Vo)
Consider (vo) Reassures (v1) Compete (v1) Distract (v1) Chunk of language= potongan bahasa

9 Part B Some people believe that the time has come for …
High levels of pollution  the increase of asthma as the number of the cars Congestion  a ban on cars to cut pollution Expensive and unreliable public transports. The issue of personal freedom Developing cleaner fuels & electric cars. Encouraging people to use public transport.

10 Page123 Answer Activity 3, no 1-5 Answer them using complete sentences.

11 … because of his headache.
…due to their heavy load. …because of her want to visit her uncle. ...due to its dry climate. (the state’s/Arizona’s). …because of his exam tomorrow. …due to the weather there.

12 …because it endangers environment.
…because of its danger to environment.

13 Knowing the children’s condition reassures the parents.
Knowing=Gerund (V ing= noun) Mengetahui kondisi anak menenangkan orang tua. The phones ringing in class distract the pupil’s learning attention.

14 Nuclear Issue: debate ….nuclear….has come to an end.
Multi purposes, feasible choice, the safest for environment, never cause pollution. Silly (still abundance energy source), does not make any sense, destroy environment, contribution cannot be avoided, radiation leaking. Rec: nuclear energy should be avoided.

15 Exercise A The controversy over using nuclear energy.
2nd and 3rd paragraph 4th and 5th paragraph 1=issue, 2,3=arguments for, 4,5=arguments against, 6=recommendation.

16 Activity 2 Use (N)=useful (adj) Produce (V)= productive (adj)
Question (N) = questionable (adj) Sense (N) = sensible (adj) destroy (V)= destructive (adj) Attention (N) = attentive (adj)

17 Conditional sentence type 2
If I were you, I would be very happy.

18 Exercise D The leakage was so dangerous that a single, tiny radiation leaking was never tolerated. Although the report of a reactor trouble was late, we were able to tackle it. In spite of shortage of uranium, we were able to supply the energy well. Because of a mistake in the report, we had to reexamine the recorded data. Due to an error in the final record, the calculation will have to be checked again. While we have been checking the reactor, one of us has sniffed an unusual odor.

19 Sentence Modifier They realize the importance of milk.
They do not want to stop consuming milk.

20 Being sick, my father could not go to the office.
Having been waving to the child, the photographer took the picture. Having examined the report, he is going to write a letter. Having visited the art gallery, we will go through the library. Staying up all night, they looked weary in the class.

21 Discussion Abortion What do you think about abortion?
Do you agree or disagree with it? Explain your reason.

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