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POAD8014: PUBLIC POLICY Bureaucracy & Coordination

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1 POAD8014: PUBLIC POLICY Bureaucracy & Coordination
Lionel Orchard

2 Main Themes Bureaucracy and its Reform
Coordination – History & Mechanisms Lindblom, Hood, Colebatch ‘Holistic’ & ‘Joined-up’ government – the debate

3 Lindblom on Coordination
Lindblom: policy coordination can be attained by means of central command or partisan mutual adjustment: Central Command: single centre of authority directs subordinate units towards a common purpose Partisan Mutual Adjustment: multi-centred system in which independent actors seek to persuade each other by means of negotiation and the trading of favours

4 Hood on mechanisms of coordination
Four mechanisms: Authority – hierarchy, centralised oversight ‘Architecture’ – built-form (office & building layout), integration through information systems Mutual interaction – social integration through networks Markets & price systems – quasi-markets, entrepreneurs

5 Colebatch’s Vertical & Horizontal Dimensions
Vertical Dimension of policy: relations of authority that stress instrumental action and rational choice Horizontal Dimension of policy: inter-organisational relationships that involve negotiation, cooperation and bargaining

6 Source: Colebatch, 2002, p24

7 Vertical & Horizontal Tension
Two conflicting tendencies: One is towards central direction by singular authority The other is towards devolution of power to actors who independently negotiate outcomes themselves

8 Holistic & Joined-up Government
Attack on silo thinking – eg. Perri 6 & Geoff Mulgan Hood’s critique of ‘joined-up’ –‘each tub on its own bottom’

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