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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

2 Persistent Organic Pollutants: Pesticides

3 Dr. Tawfiq Al-Antary Prof of Pesticides and Economic Entomology University of Jordan – Faculty of Agriculture

4 :Pesticides committee
Dr.Tawfiq Al-Antary Eng.Hussein Estatyeh Eng.Seham Al-Heeh Eng. Belal Qteishat Eng.Ramzi mherat Eng.Ahmad Nasser Al-Deen

5 A. The current situation of stock piles of POPs: pesticides

6 Table (1-2): POPs pesticides name, concentration, quantity and place of storage in Jordan.
Name of pesticides and concentration Quantity Place of storage DDT 100% 13015 Kg Ministry of Health Store DDT 75% 9130 Kg Dieldrin 175 Lt. Ministry of Agriculture Store Agrocide 60 Kg

7 Plate (1-1): DDT in the Ministry of Health Store in 2006, before its disposal.

8 Plate (1-2): Dieldrin in the Ministry of Agriculture Store in 2006, Before its disposal.

9 Table (1-3): The old and new POPs within the Stockholm Convention.
POPs Groups Old 12 POPs New 10 POPs POPs Pesticides Aldrin, DDT, Endrin, Dieldrin, Chlordane, Mirex, Toxafene, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene(BHC=H CB=HCH) Lindane, Chlordecone, Pentachlorobenzene, α-HCH, β-HCH, Endosulfane, PFOS Industrial POPs PCB PFOS, PBDE (hexabromobiphenyl, Hexabromodiphenyl ether and Heptabromodiphenyl ether, Tetrabromodiphenyl ether и Pentabromodiphenyl ether) Unintentional POPs PCDD and PCDF, PCB, HCB Pentachlorobenzene

10 Table (1-4): The new POPs pesticides and the actions taken by Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan.
Situation Date of Publication Inventory in 2014 Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane (α- HCH),& Beta hexachlorocyclohexane (β- HCH),&(HCH Mixed Isomers ) Band, the decision was taken by the pesticides registration committee due to the information received from PIC. Final decision was published on: 12/7/ 1993 There is no quantity found in stores Endosulfane Band, the decision was taken by the pesticides registration committee and date of entry into enforce the final regulatory action 1/1/1993 Final decision was published on: 12/12/2003 There is no quantity found in stores. It can be found in soil samples as residues. Chlordecone Not imported nor produced neither registered to be used in Jordan - Lindane (γ-HCH) Band, the decision was taken by the pesticides registration committee due to the information received from PIC. Final decision was published on : 12/12/ 2001 There is no quantity found in stores Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) Pentachlorobenzene

11 Inventory Results

12 Table (1-5): Common name, trade name, pesticide group, CAS NO
Table (1-5): Common name, trade name, pesticide group, CAS NO., mode of action, date of prohibition, reason of prohibition of the added POPs pesticides.  

13 Not imported nor produced neither registered to be used in Jordan
Common Name Trade Name Pesticide Group CAS NO Mode of action Date of banning Reason of banning Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH),& Beta hexachlorocyclohexane (β- HCH),&(HCH Mixed Isomers ) - Insecticides Mixed isomers Non systemic Final decision was Published on : 12/7/ 1993 According to PIC Endosulfane Dofan , Endosol, Afidan 5 Insecticide, Acaricide Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. Uses Control of sucking, chewing, and boring insects and mites on a very wide range of crops Date of entry to enforce the final regulatory action on 1/1/1993 Chlordecone Insecticide Insecticidal control of cockroaches and ants Lindane (γ-HCH) Gamma-Col' 'Lindamul' 'Lintox' Mode of action Insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action. Uses Mainly for soil and seed treatment. Control of a broad spectrum of phytophagous and soil-inhabiting insects, public-health pests, and animal ectoparasites. Used on a wide range of crops Final decision was .published on: 12/12/ 2001 Pentachloro-benzene --- Fungicide Curative Not imported nor produced neither registered to be used in Jordan

14 B. Monitoring of pesticides in agricultural crops

15 Table 2.2.1: Comparison Between Pesticide Residues in The Agricultural Commodities in The Study Of and Studies Conducted in, , , For Imported Samples.

16 Study in 2011/2012 Percentage % Study in 2007/2008 Study in Study in Study in Samples number 400 --- 200 195 Number of samples that contained pesticides below MRL. 22 5.5 44 11 29 14.5 26 13 12 6.2 Number of samples that didn’t contain pesticides 377 94.25 355 88.75 170 85 174 87 183 93.8 Number of samples that contained pesticides higher than MRL. 1 0.5 Number of samples that contained pyrethroid compounds 3 0.75 10 5 6 4 2.1 Number of samples that contained organophosphorus compounds 3.25 18 4.5 21 10.5 9 4.6 Number of samples that contained organochlorine compounds - 2 Number of samples that contained banzelite compounds Number of samples that contained phthalamid compounds Number of samples that contained conzawl compounds Number of samples that contained other pesticides group

17 Table 2.2.2: Comparison Between Pesticide Residues in The Agricultural Commodities in The Study Of and Studies Conducted in, , , For Local Agricultural Commodities .

18 Study in Percentage % Study in Study in Study in Study in Samples number 400 --- 200 195 Number of samples that contained pesticides below MRL. 16 4 33 8.25 47 23.5 45 22.5 8.2 Number of samples that contained pesticides which don’t have MRL. - 2 1 Number of samples that contained pesticides higher than MRL. 0.25 0.5 Number of samples that didn’t contain pesticides 383 95.75 365 91.25 151 75.5 155 77.5 179 91.8 Number of samples that contained pyrethroids 6 1.5 3 Number of samples that contained organophosphates 0.75 8 9 4.5 14 7 Number of samples that contained chlorinated hydrocarbons 10 5 3.5 Number of samples that contained banzelites 2.5 Number of samples that contained phthalamids Number of samples that contained dithiocarbamates 18 Number of samples that contained oxazoledeniles Number of samples that contained bridzenones Number of samples that contained conzawls Number of samples that contained other pesticides 13 3.25

19 c. Monitoring of chlorinated hydrocarbon Pesticide Residues in Mothers’ Milk  

20 Tables 2.2.3: Comparison between RSS Study of and Study in for Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Mother s’ Milk.

21 Royal Scientific Society
A study of Royal Scientific Society A study of Total average concentration in (mg/kg milk fat) Cyclodiens DDTs HCHs Samples number City 0.006 0.28 0.16 32 AL-Karak - 0.24 0.13 25 0.21 0.11 40 AL-Tafila 0.004 0.07 20 0.26 0.18 38 Ma’an 0.03 0.15 0.04 0.12 30 Aqaba 0.05 0.49 0.20 Ghor Safi 0.81 0.25 15 0.01 180 Average 0.007 100

22 D. Monitoring of pesticides on animal products

23 Figure 3 Comparison Between Study Results of 2004/2005 with Similar Studies Results in 1995, 2000, 2001 and 2003 for Dairy Product Samples

24 E. Monitoring of pesticides in water

25 Figure 4 Concentration of HCB in Deir-Alla Water Samples in the Period Between April and December, 2004

26 Figure 5 Concentration of HCB in Zai Water Samples in the Period between April and December, 2004

27 F. Monitoring of pesticides in soil and sediments

28 - In soil

29 - RSS study

30 - University of Jordan study 2007/2008

31 Figure (1): The concentration of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in soil samples in Ghor Safi from June to April, 2008

32 Figure (2): The concentration of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in soil samples in Southern Ghor from June to April, 2008.

33 - University of Jordan study 2011/2012 in sediments

34 - RSS study in 1994

35 Action plan for old pesticides POPs :
The pesticides POPs are nine including DDT , cyclodienes family and lindane .

36 Old pesticides POPs : since these pollutants are non polar compounds they do have the following disadvanteges : 1.They acummulate the fat tissues in human body throw the food chain, causing carcinoginic effects and dmaging some internal organs . 2.They are persistant, leading to acummulate in the enviromental components for more than fifty years ,particularly in the soil.

37 Activity : They were useful for controlling some agricultural pests and public health insect pests.
Lead Agency : Ministry of Agriculture

38 Stakeholders: Ministry of Environment , Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health
Budget : All stored old pesticides POPs have been destroyed abroad by a French company in 2014 , but we need estimated budget to achieve the following : A.100,000 JDs to follow up their occurrence in Jordan , to make awareness and to conduct studies . B.150,000 JDs to monitor the residues of pesticide POPs in the different components of the environment ,since we still find some of the pesticides POPs as residues in human mothers milk , animal products ,soil and agriculture crops up to now.

39 Time limit : Up to the coming five years

40 Action plan for new pesticides POPs:
The pesticides POPs are six including endusulfan , chlordecone and BHC family

41 New pesticides POPs : since these pollutants are non polar compounds they do have the following disadvanteges : 1.They acummulate the fat tissues in human body throw the food chain, causing carcinoginic effects and dmaging some internal organs . 2.They are persistant, leading to acummulate in the enviromental components for more than fifty years ,particularly in the soil.

42 Activity : some of them were useful for controlling some agricultural pests ,animal health insect pests and industrial chemical by product . Lead Agency : Ministry of Agriculture

43 Stakeholders: Ministry of Environment , Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health
Budget : some of the new pesticides POPs have not been introduce to Jordan such as chlordecone .others have been used to control agricultural pests such as endusulfan or being produced as industrial chemical by product such as some isomers of BHC .The estimated budget is needed to achieve the following : 50,000 JDs to follow up their occurrence in Jordan , to make awareness and to conduct studies . 100,000 JDs to monitor the residues of pesticide POPs in the different components of the environment ,since we still find some of the pesticides POPs as residues in human mothers milk , animal products ,soil and agriculture crops up to now.

44 Time limit : Up to the coming five years.

45 Table 4 : Work plan for old and new pesticides POPs : Budget and different activities





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