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A Reviewer’s Perspective

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Presentation on theme: "A Reviewer’s Perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Reviewer’s Perspective
Dr Pat Sikes Professor of Qualitative Inquiry University of Sheffield

2 Reviewers are human too

3 What’s going on when a reviewer reviews?

4 What do you do when you get feedback?


Sent to the wrong journal Not a proper article (e.g. clearly a thesis chapter or consultancy report) Too long or too short for specific journal Poor regard to conventions of journal (failure to consult Notes to Contributors or conventions of academic writing generally Bad style, grammar, punctuation Fails to say anything of significance or states the obvious at tedious length Not properly contextualized (e.g. concentrates on parochial interests and ignores needs of wider audience) No theoretical framework Scrappily presented and clearly not proofread Libellous, unethical, rude

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