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IPDA Planetary Data Access Protocol(PDAP) v1.1 Future plans

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1 IPDA Planetary Data Access Protocol(PDAP) v1.1 Future plans
Jesus Salgado1 Pedro Osuna1, Steve Hughes2, Sean Kelly2, Yukio Yamamoto3 1ESA/PSA 2NASA/PDS 3JAXA/ISAS 14/09/2011

2 Planetary Data Access Protocol
PDAP v1.1 has be created and sent to the IPDA TEG group It has been updated following comments/suggestions from TEG members Meeting held yesterday between Europlanet, NASA and ESA members to review PDAP assessment sent by Europlanet Very productive exercise Conclusion: Version 1.2 will be generated doing some agreed changes Author list should be extended including people that can collaborate in the evolution of the protocol

3 Version 1.2 changes to be implemented
Get Capabilities interface Action 1: Agree with the IPDA registry people how to expose the service capabilities of a certain PDAP server. This is considered not a major change Create the relevant PDAP namepace Action 2: Agree on a way to represent the PDAP namespace

4 Version 1.2 changes to be implemented (II)
Add spectra range as input parameter Optional or Compulsory Action 3: Define Units Add altitude as input parameter Action 4: Define Units Modify MISION_NAME by generic name PDS4 equivalent

5 Version 1.2 changes to be implemented (III)
Add spectra range as input parameter (optional or compulsory) Action 3: Define Units Add altitude as input parameter (optional or compulsory) Action 4: Define Units Modify MISION_NAME by generic name PDS4 equivalent

6 Version 1.2 changes to be implemented (IV)
Can be coordinates easily generalized for astronomical observations? STC? Create extension? Is the extension mechanism good for everyone? Action 5: Add more details for v1.2 By doing that, it looks that PDAP v1.2 could go to the next standardization step (to be defined)

7 Extensions identified
PDAP Spectral data extension. It looks already sketched Some work already done in PDS4, Europlanet and VO It could be a fast specification Name resolver extension. Proposed by Europlanet, it describe a name resolver using a PDAP like query Time series Sky image

8 IPDA PDAP v1.1/1.2 Future plans
THANK YOU Jesus Salgado IPDA PDAP v1.1/1.2 Future plans

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