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Academic Advisors Every student will be allocated a member of the lecturing team who will support and advise them individually throughout their.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Advisors Every student will be allocated a member of the lecturing team who will support and advise them individually throughout their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Advisors Every student will be allocated a member of the lecturing team who will support and advise them individually throughout their course

2 The GCU PPACT Standard

3 What is the PPACT Standard?
Personal Professional Academically informed Consolidated Transitional It is intended to help you develop personal, academic and professional skills

4 Elements of Academic Support
Academic support provided mainly by Academic Advisors (AA) Other designated staff may be involved:- Module leaders/ facilitators Disability co-ordinator Academic Development tutors Careers staff

5 The Role of the Academic Advisor

6 AA meetings AA meetings help you to develop skills:
To improve your academic performance To raise awareness of areas for professional and personal growth and development To help navigate through assessment feedback and support claims for mitigating circumstances To help produce academic development plans to help improve your record of academic attainment and contributes to your Scottish Ongoing Achievement Record (SOAR)

7 Processes for Academic Advising
You will be allocated a named AA who will be an academic member of staff You should meet within the first few weeks to agree communication channels Thereafter should meet 2 times per year To discuss academic studies Review activities that enhance your profile Reflect on anything that may impact on your overall performance

8 Record and Action Plan Student-owned Linked to the PPACT Standard
Used to record AA meetings over the course of a year in collaboration with AA (Example on next slide)

9 Record of meetings Criteria Meeting 1 Date: Meeting 2 Meeting 3
Personal (reflection, review of relevant personal development) Professional (career planning and employability, leadership, achievement) Academically informed (feedback/ forward; review and discussion of academic results) Consolidated (evaluation of learning in all areas identified above)

10 End of year progress report
Transitional Action Plan created at the end of the year which feeds forward to: Highlight key achievements/ academic issues Identify areas for personal development Summary of the year and issues to be carried forward The transitional action plan is re-presented at the beginning of the new academic year

11 Link to GCU PPACT Standard Web Pages

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