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Physical and Political Locations

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1 Physical and Political Locations
Lesson 5 Physical and Political Locations

2 Teacher Instructions Lesson 5
WARM UP: Students should review maps and notes on regions for 3-4 minutes. Completion of the warm up should take no more than 8-9 minutes. Students should clear desks and draw a sketch map of the world with continents. They should also include locations for major oceans. They should also include answers to the 4 questions about regions after reading the description on the next slide. Read the description aloud as students see it projected. Answers to the 4 questions will appear with mouse clicks at the end. Also, a marked image of Las Vegas follows on slide 5. Students review their maps and question answers with a partner.

3 Las Vegas is located in the state of Nevada in the Mohave Desert, surrounded by mountains. It has been referred to by some as “sin city” because of all the legalized gambling, drinking, and lewd entertainment. However, the city’s population has grown dramatically over recent years, probably because of economic opportunities. Construction of housing, stores, and service areas has boomed and has struggled to keep up with demand. In one residential neighborhood, builders have designed a shopping mall to provide locals with stores for groceries, clothing, hair salons, and movie theaters. The idea was to provide neighborhood convenience to allow residents to avoid the heat and traffic problems they might encounter when traveling across the city.

4 Students answer these 4 questions on their sketch maps.
What type of region is the shopping mall? What type of region is the city? What type of region is the city’s geographical location? What type of region is the city to those who criticize it? FUNCTIONAL FORMAL PHYSICAL PERCEPTUAL

5 Neighborhood and Shopping Mall in Las Vegas
Physical Region Formal Region Functional Region

6 Teacher Instructions Lesson 5
Use the 3 sheets of continent pairings for this activity. Make a copy of each sheet. Cut continent labels and slips. Place labels and slips in 3 separate plastic bags….2 paired continents and slips per bag. Divide the class into 3 large groups. Each group must match the slips to the 2 continents they receive. (Use original uncut sheets as the answer key as you monitor groups.) Groups should be given 5-10 minutes for this. When time is called, groups collect all slips, return them to the bag, and teacher rotates bags. Groups have time 5-10 minutes to correctly sort the new set of slips and continent labels. After the third rotation, students will have had practice with all six continents.

7 Teacher Instructions Lesson 5
Review locations of major landforms, countries, and cities. Expect a quiz.

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