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3D Facial Imaging Project

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1 3D Facial Imaging Project
Tatiana Foroud Elizabeth Moore Richard Ward Leah Wetherill Li Shen Jeffrey Rogers Shiaofen Fang Christian Klingenberg

2 Data Collection (as of December 2009)
Site 3D Images (% of 12/31/09 target) DNA San Diego 110 (147%) 73 UCLA 38 (152%) 46 Atlanta 50 (80%) 12 Ukraine 30 (75%) 0 (no approval) Cape Town 224 (100%) 225* Totals 452 356 * Also obtained 218 DNA samples from the mothers and 52 DNA samples from the father. RNA also collected at this site for the subject

3 Goal 1: Improve understanding of the dysmorphic features in FAS
Fang et al, 2008 Automated facial recognition/ Machine learning Clinical Diagnosis Classification (CC) FAS (+) FAS (-) FAS 32 4 Controls 6 25 Class. Rate 85.1% Moore et al, 2007 Anthropometry measures McLaughlin et al, under review Interactive feature visualization

4 Goal 1: Effectiveness of 3D Image for Diagnosis
#1: Compare classification rates when using computerized algorithm for diagnosis but input measurements from 3D image rather than dysmorphology exam Focus on FAS vs. not alcohol exposed #2: Compare classification rates using Astley algorithm and 3D image (novel algorithm and applied as with #1)

5 Comparison using data from South Africa
Goal 2: Enhance the capability of definitive diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and the broader spectrum of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) at different stages of the lifespan Comparison using data from South Africa Each time point, age of sample is relatively homogenous Time point 1 – average age 5 years Time point 2 – average age 10 years ~90% of subjects seen at both time points

6 South Africa Dataset Subsample analysis of 45 subjects 15 FAS
15 heavily exposed (HE) 15 controls FAS: Hoyme et al. revised IOM criteria HE: drank a minimum of 1 oz absolute alcohol/day or at least 4 binges (at least 4 standard drinks or 2 oz absolute alcohol/occasion) during pregnancy.  The median was 6.7 drinks/occasion and median frequency of drinking was 53.2 days during pregnancy .  Controls: mothers reported abstinence

7 South Africa Subsample FAS vs. Controls
Time point 1 Predictors Minimal frontal Sensitivity 85.7% Specificity 83.3% Overall correct classification rate 84.4% Time point 2 Predictors Lower facial depth Sensitivity 86.7% Specificity 93.3% Overall correct classification rate 90.0% Using model from other time point is never as good as model derived from data at that time point

8 South Africa Subsample FASD vs. Controls
Time point 1 Predictors Bitragal width Sensitivity 70.0% Specificity 78.6% Overall correct classification rate 75% Time point 2 Predictors Nasal bridge length Sensitivity 60% Specificity Overall correct classification rate Classification rates lower at both time points, but particularly at time point 2

9 South Africa Subsample Longitudinal Analyses
Preliminary longitudinal analyses Focus on 3 groups Compare change in size of anthropometric measures at two time points Compensatory growth in some measures for the FAS and heavily exposed groups Most measures remain smaller in the FAS and heavily exposed group as compared with controls

10 More change in measurements in control and HE then FAS


12 South Africa Subsample Longitudinal Analyses
Expand analysis to include all 224 subjects seen at recent visit Utilize quantitative alcohol exposure measures to examine relationship between alcohol exposure and facial imaging Pursue similar studies in the growing San Diego longitudinal sample

13 Face-Brain-Behavior dataset
Goal 3: Establish whether there is a relationship between FAS dysmorphic features and the specific underlying impairments in brain function Face-Brain-Behavior dataset Focusing on Phase II data which has more complete neurobehavioral assessment and brain imaging measures Working with other projects to explore: Alcohol exposed, without classification of FAS (no face) vs. FAS; vs no alcohol exposure Examine face-brain; neurobehavior-brain


15 Correlation Between Cameras
Ensure cross camera correlation to combine images longitudinally 22 individuals imaged with both cameras Measurements were highly correlated Measurements from 3dMD were primarily smaller


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