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for your generous giving

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Presentation on theme: "for your generous giving"— Presentation transcript:

1 for your generous giving
First of all for your generous giving

2 Two Reasons for Giving Provide money to run the church In gratitude to God, as a mark of belonging

3 2016 Income £200,500

4 2016 Spending £199,000

5 Annual Meeting Sunday 2 April 12:00 here in the church

6 2017 Budget Planned spending £217,500
Income based on 2016 levels -£199,000 Extra income needed £18,500

7 2017 Extra Giving Planned spending £217,500
Income based on 2016 levels -£199,000 Extra income needed £18,500 This could be raised by: Extra giving £15,000 Gift Aid £3,500 Total £18,500

8 Jacob’s Dream

9 -> -> -> -> Gratitude
Belonging -> -> -> -> leads to Gratitude which leads to Generosity

10 Matt 6 v20-21 “Store up … treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

11 2 Cor 9 v6-8 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

12 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion

13 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion According to ability

14 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion According to ability Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule

15 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion According to ability Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you.

16 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential!

17 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential! God knows if life’s a struggle

18 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential! God knows if life’s a struggle If life’s comfortable, enjoy it … and be generous!

19 Giving - practical guidelines
What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential! God knows if life’s a struggle If life’s comfortable, enjoy it … and be generous! Aim is that at least 10% of church’s spending goes to others

20 -> -> -> -> Gratitude
Belonging -> -> -> -> leads to Gratitude which leads to Generosity

21 for your generous giving
And again for your generous giving

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