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EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time

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Presentation on theme: "EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time"— Presentation transcript:

1 EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time
{title} Summit {summit location} {date of summit} {#hashtag} EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time

2 Agricultural Data Sharing in the New Zealand context
Andrew Cooke

3 About Us Founded Rezare Systems in 2004
Previously based at agricultural research institute Product and service development for agricultural organisations Mathematical models, genetics, livestock, pasture New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom

4 Using data in New Zealand agriculture
On farm strategic decision making On farm tactical decision making and actions Inputs (fertiliser, feed, seeds) – requirements, varieties, timing, placement Outputs – provenance, timing, productivity, quality

5 Silo Effect Few large and many small “custodians” of data
Relatively few government and “industry good” data sets Organisations and producers still developing experience and understanding of digital information Isolation of data both technical and organisational

6 Farm Data Initiatives Code of Practice Farm Data Standards
Transparency around rights and policies Good security and privacy practices Accreditation process Farm Data Standards Common vocabulary to describe data Targeted at developers and business analysts

7 Farm Data Initiatives DataLinker Framework Not a data hub or pipe
Not a database Avoid building every connection from scratch Reducing legal overheads while retaining control Solving privacy and authorisation challenges Support for onboarding organisations

8 Farm Data Initiatives DataLinker Framework REST and JSON framework
Based loosely on Open Ag Data Alliance JSON-LD schemas defined by participants Navigable data sets OAUTH 2 and tokens – including producer permission RFC 7591 dynamic registration, data access agreements Discovery through service

9 Implementation example 1

10 Implementation example 2

11 Where to for spatial data?
Farm Data Standards uses INSPIRE catalogue definitions Use cases Farm boundaries, waterways, management areas Fertiliser plans and applications International alignment vs. local needs? GeoJSON

12 Andrew Cooke
Questions? Andrew Cooke

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