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Instruction Execution (Load and Store instructions)

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Presentation on theme: "Instruction Execution (Load and Store instructions)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instruction Execution (Load and Store instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>= 1) : R[ra] ¬ M[disp], load register (ld) (op<4..0>= 2) : R[ra] ¬ M[rel], load register relative (ldr) (op<4..0>= 3) : M[disp] ¬ R[ra], store register (st) (op<4..0>= 4) : M[rel] ¬ R[ra], store register relative (str) (op<4..0>= 5) : R[ra] ¬ disp, load displacement address (la) (op<4..0>= 6) : R[ra] ¬ rel, load relative address (lar) Other instructions go here

2 Review

3 CS501 Advanced Computer Architecture
Lecture06 Dr.Noor Muhammad Sheikh

4 Instruction Execution (Branch instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>= 8) : (cond : PC ¬ R[rb]), conditional branch (br) (op<4..0>= 9) : (R[ra] ¬ PC, cond : (PC ¬ R[rb]) ), branch and link (brl)

5 Instruction Execution (Branch instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>= 8) : (cond : PC ¬ R[rb]), conditional branch (br) (op<4..0>= 9) : (R[ra] ¬ PC, cond : (PC ¬ R[rb]) ), branch and link (brl) cond := ( c3á2..0ñ=0 : 0, never c3á2..0ñ=1 : 1, always c3á2..0ñ=2 : R[rc]=0, if register is zero c3á2..0ñ=3 : R[rc]¹0, if register is nonzero c3á2..0ñ=4 : R[rc]á31ñ=0, if positive or zero c3á2..0ñ=5 : R[rc]á31ñ=1 ), if negative

6 Instruction Execution (Branch instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>= 8) : (cond : PC ¬ R[rb]), conditional branch (br) (op<4..0>= 9) : (R[ra] ¬ PC, cond : (PC ¬ R[rb]) ), branch and link (brl) This simply means that when c3<2..0> is equal to one of these six values, substitute the expression on the right hand side of the : in place of cond cond := ( c3á2..0ñ=0 : 0, never c3á2..0ñ=1 : 1, always c3á2..0ñ=2 : R[rc]=0, if register is zero c3á2..0ñ=3 : R[rc]¹0, if register is nonzero c3á2..0ñ=4 : R[rc]á31ñ=0, if positive or zero c3á2..0ñ=5 : R[rc]á31ñ=1 ), if negative

7 Instruction Execution (Arithmetic and Logical instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>=12) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] + R[rc], (op<4..0>=13) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] + c2á16..0ñ {sign extend}, (op<4..0>=14) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] - R[rc], (op<4..0>=15) : R[ra] ¬ - R[rc], (op<4..0>=20) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] & R[rc], (op<4..0>=21) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] & c2á16..0ñ {sign extend}, (op<4..0>=22) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] ~ R[rc], (op<4..0>=23) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] ~ c2á16..0ñ {sign extend}, (op<4..0>=24) : R[ra] ¬ ! R[rc],

8 Instruction Execution (Arithmetic and Logical instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>=12) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] + R[rc], (op<4..0>=13) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] + c2á16..0ñ {sign extend}, (op<4..0>=14) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] - R[rc], (op<4..0>=15) : R[ra] ¬ - R[rc], (op<4..0>=20) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] & R[rc], (op<4..0>=21) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] & c2á16..0ñ {sign extend}, (op<4..0>=22) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] ~ R[rc], (op<4..0>=23) : R[ra] ¬ R[rb] ~ c2á16..0ñ {sign extend}, (op<4..0>=24) : R[ra] ¬ ! R[rc], and add sub addi neg or andi ori not

9 Instruction Execution (Shift instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>=26) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ (n α 0) © R[rb] á31..nñ, (op<4..0>=27) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ (n α R[rb] á31ñ) © R[rb] á31..nñ, (op<4..0>=28) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ R[rb] á31-n..0ñ © (n α 0), (op<4..0>=29) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ R[rb] á31-n..0ñ © R[rb]á n ñ, where n := ( (c3á4..0ñ=0) : R[rc], (c3á4..0ñ¹0) : c3 á4..0ñ ), Notation: α means replication © means concatenation

10 Instruction Execution (Shift instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>=26) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ (n α 0) © R[rb] á31..nñ, (op<4..0>=27) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ (n α R[rb] á31ñ) © R[rb] á31..nñ, (op<4..0>=28) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ R[rb] á31-n..0ñ © (n α 0), (op<4..0>=29) : R[ra]á31..0 ñ ¬ R[rb] á31-n..0ñ © R[rb]á n ñ, shr shra where n := ( (c3á4..0ñ=0) : R[rc], (c3á4..0ñ¹0) : c3 á4..0ñ ), shl shc Notation: α means replication © means concatenation

11 Instruction Execution (Miscellaneous instructions)
ie := ( (op<4..0>= 0) : , No operation (nop) (op<4..0>= 31) : Run ¬ 0, Halt the processor (Stop) ); iF ); Instruction Execution ends here

12 The basic D Flip-Flop

13 The basic D Flip-Flop Q output Data input Enable input Active low
Clock input Active low clear input

14 The n-bit register Definition: a group of FFs operating synchronously
Can be formed by using n D flip-flops Connect the clock inputs of DFFs together (and enables also) Clock to DFFs has to be free running, especially for dynamic gates; use En to load registers

15 A 4-bit register: circuit

16 A 4-bit register: our symbol
Inputs Clock Enable Outputs

17 A 4-bit register: test circuit

18 A 4-bit register: waveforms
Inputs Outputs

19 A 4-to-1 MUX: our symbol Inputs 3 2 1 output

20 A 4-to-1 MUX: test circuit

21 A 4-to-1 MUX: waveforms 3 1

22 Tri-state buffers: circuit symbol
ENABLE Data Input Data Output Don’t care Data input Enable Data output X Z 1

23 A 4-bit tri-state buffer unit (our symbol)

24 A 4-bit tri-state buffer unit (test circuit)

25 Concept of control signals
Notice we have added a “control” signal with each register (e.g.., LRD with register RD) RD will be loaded with a value from its input only when LRD=1 By selectively enabling these control signals, we can perform register transfers of our choice “Cond” will be a Boolean expression in general; in this example Cond will be equivalent to LRD=1

26 Simple conditional transfer Cond: RD ← RS

27 Two-way transfers To be able to implement
Cond1: RD  RS Cond2: RS  RD together, we need a path from RD to RS and a path from RS to RD, each having m lines (for m-bit RD and RS) We can connect the output of RD to the input of RS in the previous circuit

28 Connecting multiple registers
Example: Five m-bit registers in a “point-to-point” scheme require 20 connections; each with m wires In general, n registers in a point to point scheme require n(n-1) connections FOR LARGE VALUES OF n, THIS IS NOT PRACTICAL R1 R5 R4 R3 R2 two connections m wires each

29 Register file on a bus This diagram shows eight 4-bit registers (R0, R1, …, R7) connected to a 4-bit bus using four 1-bit tri-state buffer blocks (called AA_TS4). Control signals are also shown on the diagram, eg., R1out is used to enable the tri-state buffers at the output of R1, thereby placing the contents of R1 on the bus. Similarly, LR7 is used to load a value from the bus into register R7.

30 Example: (op=1): R4← R3 + R2;




34 Implementing (opc=1): R4← R3 + R2;
Time step Operation to be performed (structural RTL) Control signals to be activated 1 A ← R3 LA, R3out 2 C ← A + R2 LC, R2out 3 R4 ← C LR4, Cout These steps have to be performed one after the other It indicates how the add operation is accomplished using the hardware shown before

35 This circuit performs a rotate right of the input data depending on the pattern applied to the S1, S0 inputs A 4-bit Barrel Shifter

36 Symbol and Function Table for the 4-bit Barrel Shifter
Output in terms of the inputs In3 In2 In1 In0 1 In0 In3 In2 In1 In1 In0 In3 In2 In2 In1 In0 In3

37 Example: R4← ror R3 (2 times);

38 A 4-bit Barrel Shifter with registers on a single bus

39 A 4-bit Barrel Shifter with registers on a single bus
Magnified A 4-bit Barrel Shifter with registers on a single bus Magnified

40 A 4-bit Barrel Shifter with registers on a single bus

41 Magnified

42 Implementing R4← ror R3 (2 times);
Time step Operation to be performed (structural RTL) Control signals to be activated 1 C ← R3 (after rotating right twice) R3out, nb1, LC 2 R4 ← C LR4, Cout These steps have to be performed one after the other It indicates how the rotate operation is accomplished using the hardware shown before

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