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Partnering for eLearning

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering for eLearning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering for eLearning
Darren Smith Our experience

2 Case Study #1 - LGBT Why are we doing this? Is it mission critical?
Ask the stakeholders – ID partners Who has a viewpoint? Who may complain about calibre or length of training? Are there extant materials? Who has these? Toronto Police, Peel Police, Women’s Bathhouse Committee, OHRC, 519 Church Street

3 Case Study #2 – Race Profiling
ID the Partners: CPKN, PSC, OPC, TPS, TPSB,OHRC ID Extant Materials / Experts: Peel, University academia, Commission des droit de la personne Police Forum – voice of the police

4 Ongoing Projects Characteristics of Armed Persons Urban Gang Dynamics
Firearms Safety Racially-Biased Policing LGBT Issues Wellness – Fatigue Management

5 Lessons Learned Baby steps or Leap?
you may can’t cross a canyon in two steps Design for the future, not for the lowest common denominator Lean learning is better, media-rich when appropriate, use accelerated learning techniques (e.g., avatars) Interagency Communication – software platform (e.g., use of Adobe Flash)

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