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Single-Variable, Independent-Groups Designs

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1 Single-Variable, Independent-Groups Designs
Graziano and Raulin Research Methods: Chapter 10 This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: (1) Any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; (2) Preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; (3) Any rental, lease, or lending of the program. Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Graziano & Raulin (1997)

2 Experimental Design Tests hypotheses about causal effects of the independent variable (IV) Includes at least two levels of the IV Randomly assigns participants to conditions Includes specific procedures for testing hypotheses Includes control for the major threats to internal validity Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

3 Variance Variance is necessary in any research
Without variance, there is nothing to test Research designs control unwanted sources of variance in order to evaluate the effects of the independent variable Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

4 Forms of Variance Systematic between-groups variance
Experimental variance (due to the IV) Extraneous variance (due to confounding variables) Nonsystematic within-groups variance Due to chance factors and individual differences We analyze the results of our study using the F-test (ANOVA) Ratio of between-groups variation to within-groups variation Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

5 Controlling Variance Maximizing experimental variance
Make sure that there are real differences between the groups (using a manipulation check) Controlling extraneous variance Make sure the groups are as similar as possible at the start of the study Therefore, the only difference is the IV manipulation Minimizing error variance Control with careful measurement or with special designs (e.g., correlated-group designs) Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

6 Controlling Variance The relationship of the various sources of variance to the F ratio is shown here You want to Maximize experimental variance Minimize error variance Control extraneous variance Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

7 Manipulation Check A specific test of whether the independent variable manipulation actually worked the way it was intended Example: A study testing the hypothesis that females, but not males, tend to turn anger inward rather than express it externally Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

8 Expressed Hostility The data on the dependent measure suggests that females really do respond with less hostility than males when frustrated Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

9 Reported Anger However, the manipulation check of reported anger suggests that the females may not have been angered by the frustration manipulation Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

10 Physiological Arousal
And the second manipulation check of physiological arousal seems to indicate that the report of less anger by the female participants is real Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

11 Nonexperimental Designs
Do not include the critical controls of experimental designs May still be used, but caution is necessary Four designs covered in this section Ex post facto design Single-group, posttest-only design Single-group, pretest-posttest design Pretest-posttest, natural control-group design Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

12 Ex Post Facto Design A very weak design
What we do when we try to figure out, after the fact, what caused something to happen Not good science Does not control confounding variables Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

13 Single-Group, Posttest-Only Design
Even with the manipulation, virtually no control over confounding variables We tend to use an implicit control group (what we think would have happened if there had been no manipulation) Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

14 Single-Group, Pretest-Posttest Design
The pretest documents change, but factors other than the treatment could have accounted for the change History, maturation, regression to the mean, etc. Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

15 Pretest-Posttest, Natural Control-Group Design
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

16 Pretest-Posttest, Natural Control-Group Design
Like an experiment except that participants are not randomly assigned to the groups A reasonably strong design except that it does not control for selection Selection could be a powerful confounding factor in many studies Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

17 Experimental Designs Meet all criteria for an experiment
Provide more powerful tests of hypotheses Designs discussed in this chapter Randomized, posttest-only, control-group design Randomized, pretest-posttest, control-group design Multilevel, completely randomized, between-subjects designs Solomon’s four-group designs Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

18 Randomized, Posttest-Only, Control-Group Design
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

19 Randomized, Posttest-Only, Control-Group Design
Random assignment controls for selection Other confounding variables are controlled by comparing the treatment and no treatment groups For example, history and maturation should be the same in both groups Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

20 Randomized, Pretest-Posttest, Control-Group Design
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

21 Randomized, Pretest-Posttest, Control-Group Design
Adding a pretest allows us to quantify the amount of change following treatment Also allows us to verify that the groups were equal initially A strong basic research design, with excellent control over confounding Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

22 Multilevel, Randomized, Between-Subjects Design
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

23 Multilevel, Randomized, Between-Subjects Design
May or may not include a pretest Multi-group extension of the basic experimental designs Controls virtually all sources of confounding variables Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

24 Solomon’s Four-Group Design
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

25 Solomon’s Four-Group Design
Combines two basic experimental designs Randomized, posttest-only, control-group design Randomized, pretest-posttest, control-group design Allows the assessment of an interaction between the pretest and the treatment Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

26 Statistical Analysis Issues
If the data are nominal, use chi-square If the data are ordinal, use the Mann-Whitney U-test (two groups only) If the data are interval or ratio If two groups, a t-test of the posttest measures will test the hypothesis More complex designs require an ANOVA Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

27 Analysis of Variance Evaluates differences in group means
It does this evaluation by comparing different variance estimates (termed mean squares) The F statistic is a ratio of the mean square between-groups and the mean square within-groups The larger the differences between the group means, the greater the F value Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

28 Specific Mean Comparisons
A significant F-test means that at least one group is significantly different from at least one other group If you have more than two groups, you have to do follow-up tests to see which groups differ Specific mean comparisons can be Planned comparisons Post hoc tests Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

29 Other Experimental Designs
Other experimental designs covered in later chapters Correlated-groups designs (Chapter 11) Within-subjects designs Matched-subjects designs Single-subject designs Factorial designs (Chapter 12) Many variations on factorial designs are possible Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

30 Summary Research is designed to measure and control sources of variance There are several non-experimental and experimental designs available Experimental designs have two elements Random assignment of participants to conditions At least one control group Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007)

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