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WP5 Report: Virtual Laboratories

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1 WP5 Report: Virtual Laboratories
Final Review, Brussels, November 24th 2014 Final Review

2 Introduction WP5 Objectives:
Demonstrate PaN-data ODI services and JRA results using 3 different techniques VL1: Structural ‘joint refinement’ against X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data VL2: Simultaneous analysis of SAXS and SANS data for large scale structures VL3: Access to tomography data exemplified through paleontological samples Became part of the Science3D project, Frank Schlünzens WP2 report. Final Review

3 Introduction VL1, VL2 tasks
An authenticated user searches data in a catalogue. Access is authorized and data downloaded from facility archive. Search relevant software in a database. Download software and run it locally or at the facility. Analyze data Upload results and any relevant reduced data to facility archive. Issues: ICAT deployment: only ISIS and DLS have fully operational instances Populated with restricted access experiment data NeXus integration: configuration, experiment description Final Review

4 Revised WP5 DoW D5.3 contents:
Survey of the implementation of PaN-data services Demonstration and evaluation of ICAT services File discovery, using VL1 and VL2 data Data download Inspection of metadata and data Involving scientists Science3D – the tomography database WP2, Frank Schlünzen NeXus integration NeXus library Configuration procedure Implementation at other PaN-data facilities Comparison of data processing frameworks Dawn, DPDAK, Mantid Use cases from VL1 and VL2 VL1, VL2 tasks An authenticated user searches data in a catalogue. Access is authorized and data downloaded from facility archive. Search relevant software in a database. Download software and run it locally or at the facility. Analyze data Upload results and any relevant reduced data to facility archive. Review report 2013: Deliverable D5.2 (…) has been approved on condition of completion of VL1 deployment before the end of the projects duration.. Final Review

5 Data Policy Data Policy PaN-Data Type ALBA In Progress Yes CEA/LBB DESY No DLS ELETTRA ESRF HZB Draft In Discussion ILL ISIS JCNS MAX IV PSI SOLEIL PaN-data type preferred (open access, facility acts a custodian, embargo period, optional extension of the embargo period) DESY: PI has the full responsibility of the data, DESY offers to store the data at the expense of the PIs institute. Final Review

6 The Common Identity Management System Umbrella
Operational Test Instance Planned ALBA No CEA/LBB DESY Yes DLS ELETTRA ESRF HZB In progress ILL ISIS JCNS MAX IV PSI SOLEIL Soon So far Umbrella is used for the digital user offices only. ICAT integration is planned at some facilities. Final Review

7 The Standard Data Format NeXus
In Production Full Desc. Mand. MD Respect ADs Autom. Ingest ALBA Yes No CEA/LBB DESY Yes,In progress DLS Yes/In progress ELETTRA No, HDF5 ESRF HZB ILL ISIS JCNS In progress MAX IV PSI-SINQ PSI-SLS SOLEIL Final Review

8 The Metadata Catalogue ICAT4
IDS: Integrated Data Server, enables downloads In Prod. Test Inst. Restr. Data Authent. Author. IDS ALBA No Yes CEA/LBB DESY DLS ELETTRA ESRF HZB ILL ISIS JCNS MAX IV PSI SOLEIL ISIS: 12 M entries, size 40 TB, DOIs, Umbrella before the end of PaN-data DLS: 500 M entries, size 2 PB, DOIs planned ESRF: catalogue for ID16A-NI, will be populates as soon as data taking commences ILL: production state will be reached soon, incl. Umbrella, old data will also be ingested Final Review

9 Demonstration and Evaluation of ICAT Services
D5.3 contains 3 examples Powder diffraction (VL1) at DLS Beamtime in Jan. 2013, 5 days, 347 datasets Small angle scattering (VL2) at DLS Beamtime in Dec. 2013, 6 days, 1438 datasets Small angle neutron scattering at ISIS Open access data Final Review

10 DLS ICAT: Investigations
Login to with fedid Final Review

11 DLS ICAT Search for an investigation using start date/end date
Final Review

12 DLS ICAT: Investigation Summary
Final Review

13 DLS ICAT: Dataset/Datafile Window
To download data: Scan number is taken from the log-book Final Review

14 Demonstration and Evaluation of ICAT services
Summary ICAT entries are organized in terms of investigations, datasets and files. TOPCAT offers powerful tools to perform searches. Metadata are sufficient for files discovery. The response times for searches are short. Download speed DLS to DESY: 15 MB/s Datasets are identified by the scan number, is retrieved from the log-book. Scientists would appreciate, if user-supplied comments were displayed Downloading entire investigations from SR catalogues problematic So far no Umbrella support Final Review

15 The NeXus Integration D5.3
Status of the NeXus library, performance tests External filters NeXus integration at DESY NeXus integration at other PaN-data institutes Questions How is the NeXus file production integrated into the data acquisition process? How is the experiment described? Which metadata are automatically generated? NeXus files self-contained? Applications definitions respected? Which metadata are used for ingestion? → Detailed answers in D5.3 Final Review

16 The NeXus Integration Summary
NeXus configurations based on device selection are integrated into the local experiment control software. Each facility, except 2, has its own control software. Configuration: GUIs, CLIs, XML file, scripts, dictionaries, static rules NeXus files can be self-contained or can have external links. Application definitions are respected by a subset of the experiment stations. Metadata are gathered from various sources including digital user office databases. The institutes selected (more or less) the same mandatory metadata, at least for catalogue ingestion. Mandatory metadata: the subset of metadata created all instruments of a facility. Final Review

17 Comparison of Data Processing Frameworks
Goal: find an integrated solution for Visualization of raw and derived data Online monitoring Interactive analysis Scripting, workflows Batch processing Candidates from PaN-data institutes: Dawn, DLS, ESRF, Eclipse, Java, Passerelle DPDAK, DESY, MPG, Python Mantid, ISIS, SNS, C++ D5.3 contains 2 test cases, each implemented in Dawn, DPDAK, Mantid VL1: Online application supporting investigations of disordered or amorphous materials using reduced pair distribution functions (PDF) VL2: GISAXS analysis, investigation of growth of gold layers Final Review

18 PDF Online Application
Analysis flow for monitoring the evolution of PDF properties: The sample was headed at a constant rate. The raw images contain intensity values as a function of the pixel index. Using geometry information and the photon wavelength, the images are integrated to a diffractogram, i.e. an intensity distribution as a function of the momentum transfer 𝑞 in reciprocal space. Detector position and orientation are obtained by a powder diffraction calibration procedure using e.g. the Fit2D program or the pyFAI scripts. The integration properly takes into account a mask of unusable image pixels. A background image containing the scattering pattern of the complete experimental setup excluding the data sample, and the effect of a fluorescence pattern are subtracted and an absorption correction is applied before the intensity distribution is normalised to obtain the coherent scattering intensity 𝐼 𝑒𝑢 𝑐𝑜ℎ (𝑞) in electron units. Using the atomic composition of the sample and the tabulated atomic scattering factor, the total structure factor 𝑆(𝑞) is derived. The reduced PDF 𝐺(𝑟) is then obtained by a sine Fourier transformation (using a finite integration range) that converts from reciprocal to real space. The 𝐺(𝑟) distribution oscillates around zero with an amplitude that gets smaller for larger atomic distances 𝑟. The average distances, aka shells, of the first, second, third, etc. nearest neighbours can be approximated by the centres of gravity of the peaks above zero. The shell positions are then monitored with time (and thus with temperature) for each incoming picture. Final Review

19 PDF Online Application with Dawn
Implementation via the Python interface Part of the Python code could be shared between Dawn, DPDAK and Mantid. The tool was in operation at P02/PetraIII Final Review

20 Comparison of Data Processing Frameworks: Conclusion
Dawn and Mantid are fully-featured frameworks supporting a large community, substantially supported by their home institutes Caveat: the comparison has been done on the basis of two use cases DAWN Analyse and visualise arbitrary SR data, many different file formats, generic multi-dimensional browsing, slicing, etc. Highlight: HDF5 viewer Based on Eclipse: Perspectives, views, standardized extensions, etc., needs considerable expertise Jython vs. Python Final Review

21 Comparison of Data Processing Frameworks: Conclusion
DPDAK Processes series of images obtained from SR scattering experiments. A light-weight plug-in system, simple interfaces. Has an internal database for a detailed inspection or for an export to files, possible scalability problem. Limited set of data types passed between the plug-ins (scalars, 1D arrays, file paths) Mantid For neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy, data processing and visualisation tools, creates 2D or 3D instrument views of the detectors. Workspaces are the central concept, hold data that are processed by algorithms, applied algorithms are tracked. Errors can be supplied, enable a proper statistical data analysis. Highlight: interactive function fitting, allows define position, height and width of peaks using the mouse, the only investigated program excepting constraints. Final Review

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