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The Medium is the (Course) Message: 

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Presentation on theme: "The Medium is the (Course) Message: "— Presentation transcript:

1 The Medium is the (Course) Message: 
ELI 2009 The Medium is the (Course) Message:  Networks of Learning Across Disciplinary & Geographic Borders Virginia Kuhn, PhD DJ Johnson, MFA Sonia Seetharaman, BS Copyright Virginia Kuhn 2009] This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 ELI 2009 The Honors in Multimedia Scholarship Program at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy

3 + ELI 2009 IML 340: The Praxis of New Media
Iraqi Doctors: On the Front Lines of Medicine = Fund for Innovative Undergraduate Education

4 Students share their work.

5 First Projects: Remix America
The Arabic Enemy 101 by Luke Kraman & Simone Andrews

6 Response to the Iraqi Doctors film:

7 Final Project Planning

8 - Comparative Health Care Systems - Unseen Victims and the Media
Final Projects: Topics include: - Impact on Children - Brain Drain - Comparative Health Care Systems - Unseen Victims and the Media - Sanctions as Diplomacy - Cultural Stereotypes - The Role of the Medical Doctor - Emigration Issues DJ to talk about guiding student work.

9 Collaborations: - New IML Wiki - International Medical Corps - Drs. Sami, Ali & Azzam - ReelSurfer (indexing) - Remix America (political)

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