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Quality Assurance in the clinical laboratory

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1 Quality Assurance in the clinical laboratory
Lecture 1

2 Types of Errors Mistakes jeopardize patient care and must be detected and avoided at all times They are two types of errors: random errors systematic errors

3 Random Errors Occur without prediction or regularity
Affect precision of measurement and causes data to be scattered more Random errors occur as the result of: Carelessness, when taking short cuts in procedures, Mislabeling specimens, Incorrect filing of reports, Reporting of wrong result to the wrong patient

4 Systematic Errors Errors within the test system or methodology
Affect the accuracy of results Causes the mean of a data set to differ from the accepted value Examples include: Incorrect instrument calibration Unprecise or malfunctioning dilutors and pipettes Reagents that lost their activity

5 Systematic Errors Types of systematic errors
proportional systematic error or bias It grows larger as the concentration of analyte grows constant systematic error "constant bias" A constant amount over the entire range of the analysis process.

6 Choice of Methods and Instruments
Quality Assurance Choice of Methods and Instruments

7 Experiments and type of error which can be detected

8 Method Evaluation- Comparison of Methods
One of the easiest methods is to plot the results on a scattergram Draw the best straight line through the points and determine the slope and intercept of the line The slope and intercept offer a fair evaluation of the agreement between the methods

9 Comparison Of Methods Perfect correlation (Hypothetical) Slope (b) = 1 Y intercept (a) = 0 Correlation coefficent (r) = 1

10 Quality Assurance of Reagents, Supplies, And Laboratory Water

11 Laboratory Water Reagent - grade water must be properly purified and periodically inspected for: Electrical resistivity Resistivity (R) of water is the measurement of electrical resistance and is the inverse of electrical conductivity (C) R and C are directly related to the number of inorganic ions and conduction particles in the water The greater the ionic concentration, the greater the electrical conductivity and the less the electrical resistance Measurements are made using a resistivity or conductivity meter Soluble silica concentration measured by a chemical reaction between silicate and molybdate ions to form a blue complex

12 Laboratory Water Desired pH The pH is measured with pH meter Bacterial contamination The microbiological content of the water is defined as the number of colony - forming units per milliliter of water Three recommended methods: Pour plate (1 ml of water) membrane filtration or calibrated loop for sampling (0.01 ml) If organic free water is desired , soluble organic materials can be removed using charcoal filter


14 Sources of Error in Clinical Chemistry
1. Specimen mix-up A Specimen drawn from wrong patient Specimen labeled with the wrong name or accession numbers Serum transferred into mislabeled tubes Improper cup placed into a tray position and the results reported on the wrong patient 2. Allowing evaporation of a sample while it sits on the analyzer waiting to be analyzed This will concentrate the sample, resulting in higher values 3. Dilution and calculation errors Incorrect dilution of sample Failure to correct for dilution

15 Sources of Error in Clinical Chemistry
4. Sampling errors Partially clotted specimen Short sampling Air bubble in the bottom of the cup Fibrin clot in the sample probes 5. Transcription errors 6. Instrument losing calibration due to: dirty reaction cuvettes, or worn pump tubing; 7. Instrument is not recalibrated when new reagents are placed on the instrument This can result in a shift in the calibration

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