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Intercultural Communication

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1 Intercultural Communication
Chapter 12: Can Judgments of Right and Wrong Be Made When Dealing with Other Cultures?

2 Ethics refers to the means or moral standards by which actions may be judged good or bad, right or wrong. They are the rules of conduct that govern our lives.

3 Six Golden Approaches to Ethics:
Golden Purse (power makes right) Golden Mean (moderation is a virtue) Golden Public (the headline test) Golden Law (universal means over ends) Golden Consequence (ends over means) Golden Rule (treat others as would want to be treated)

4 The Relationship between Ethics and Communication?
One of constraint? One of empowerment? One of both constraint and empowerment?

5 Universalism: Seeing ethics as entirely separate from culture
Ethics and Culture Universalism: Seeing ethics as entirely separate from culture What challenges does this perspective create?

6 Ethics and Culture Relativism: Seeing ethics as entirely bound to the beliefs of a particular culture What challenges does this perspective create?

7 Ethics and Culture Treating universalism and relativism as a dialectical tension that fits on a continuum and encourages conversation, rather than as isolated concepts that involve exclusive categories and have no room for conversation, produces key principles for intercultural relations.

8 Three Ethical Principles for Consideration:
Effort to understand Peaceful disagreement Loving relationships

9 Effort to Understand: Teachable attitude Accepting mutual legitimacy
Engaging in dialogue Considering the context

10 Peaceful Disagreement:
Nonviolence (not as a behavior, but as an attitude) Truth and openness (avoiding secrecy and deception)

11 Loving Relations: A willingness to be inconvenienced for the benefit of others A recognition of the importance of relationships and connection for everyone

12 Intercultural marriage as an exemplar of key ideas:
Good motives Common goals Sensitivity to the other’s needs Flexibility Spirit of adventure Positive self-image Sense of humor Commitment to the relationship Willingness to communicate

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