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Phylum Hemichordata (85 species) Class Pterobranchia (Sea Angels)

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Hemichordata (85 species) Class Pterobranchia (Sea Angels)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Hemichordata (85 species) Class Pterobranchia (Sea Angels)
Class Enteropneusta (acorn worms) Small group of marine worms that show similarities to Echinoderms and Chordates

2 Tornaria of Acorn Worms Auricularia of Sea Cucumbers
Has a deuterostome embryology and resembles in ciliation feeding mechanism (opposed band) and general appearance an auricularia larva of sea cucumbers Also shares with echinoderms: - Adult axial complex similarity (hemal –excretory system) - Tripartite coelom

3 Adult Characteristics of Acorn Worms
3 partite coelom like echinoderms Proboscis for digging (protocoel) Stomochord first considered a notochord Collar with mouth (mesocoel) Main body is the trunk (metacoel) Up to 100 pair of pharyngeal slits N.S. An epidermal net…. Like the echinoderm nervous system but.. in some a dorsal hollow nerve cord

4 C H E Ch Hemi Echino Conflicting views of Deuterostome phylogeny
From Bromham and Degnan, 1999 Traditional Hemi + echino C H E Ch Hemi Echino Pharynx DNC larvae Axial complex Proto”D” Proto”D”

5 C E H Conflicting views of Deuterostome phylogeny Fossil Stylophoran
From Bromham and Degnan, 1999 Fossil Stylophoran (Calcichordate) C E H Proto”D” Hemichordate Echinoderms

6 C H E C E H C H E Conflicting views of Deuterostome phylogeny
From Bromham and Degnan, 1999 Traditional Hemi + echino Calcichordate C H E C E H C H E Pharynx DNC larvae Axial complex Fossil stylophoran Proto”D” Proto”D” Proto”D” -- Mitochondrial and 18s r-RNA sequence analysis strongly supports the Hemichordate-echinoderm (lineage Ambulacraria) relationship to the exclusion of the chordate clade.

7 C H E How is this possible??
Conflicting views of Deuterostome phylogeny From Bromham and Degnan, 1999 Hemi + echino (Ambulacraria) -- Hemichordates, Fossil Stylophorans, and Chordates all have pharyngeal slits and a dorasal nerve chord, but Echinoderms do not, yet Hemichordates are the sister group of Echinoderms and not of Chordates, and Stylophorans are more related to echinoderms then they are to chordates. C H E larvae Axial complex Proto”D” How is this possible??

8 2008 Genesis 46: Xenoturbella

9 Is not a basal deuterostome but rather the sister group of “Ambulacraria”

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