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The Cold War.

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1 The Cold War

2 Quick-write What types of problems do you predict the United States and the rest of the world will experience after World War II?



5 Former Allies Clash In 1945 The United Nations (UN) is created to promote peace in the world Potsdam Conference US, UK, France and USSR agree to take reparations from Germany Truman pushes for US to have access to Eastern Europe

6 The Iron Curtain “From…the Baltic…to the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe…all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere.” -Winston Churchill


8 Soviets Tighten Grip USSR sets up satellite nations in Eastern Europe
Installed communist gov’ts in most countries Containment US policy of keeping communism within its current borders

9 The Truman Doctrine US provided economic aid to countries at risk of falling to communism

10 Harry Truman “…it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”




14 The Marshall Plan Western European economies was devastated after WWII. Most factories had been bombed. The Marshall Plan provided $13 billion in aid to Western Europe. By 1952 Western Europe’s economy was flourishing.



17 The Berlin Airlift June 1948 Stalin closed all roads leading into his half of West Berlin 2.1 million people faced starvation In response, the US flew around the clock flights into W. Berlin for 327 days Stalin lifted the blockade in 1949 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) created a defensive military alliance Kept a standing army of 500,000






23 The Cold War China & Korea


25 China Turns Red Chinese Communists battle with nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong- gets peasants to support the Communists; wins Defeats Chiang China becomes communist 1949; first defeat of the containment policy.


27 Korean War After WWII Korea was split into two at the 38th parallel.
North-Communist South-Democratic The USSR provided N. Korea with weapons and money to invade the South. UN votes to stop invasion Gen. Douglas MacArthur put in charge






33 Truman vs. MacArthur Chinese support N. Koreans.
Stalemate in the war is reached at the exact point it started. Still today no peace treaty signed in Korea MacArthur views China as the front lines of the war on communism Calls for the use of nuclear weapons. Truman fires MacArthur from the army.

34 The Cold War The Red Scare at Home


36 Communist Fears House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Investigates Communist activities in movies Especially critical of Hollywood Those actors considered Communists are blacklisted.


38 The Rosenberg's In 1949 the USSR explodes atomic bomb
Many suspect spies in the US Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are convicted of espionage Found guilty and sentenced to death Executed after Supreme Court upholds ruling.


40 Joseph McCarthy McCarthy was looking for an issue to win him reelection. Began attacking witnesses at hearings without any clear evidence. Few speak out because they don’t want to be accused themselves.


42 McCarthy’s Downfall People see McCarthy bullying on TV.
Loses public support, condemned by Senate for actions. During the Red Scare many had to take loyalty oaths. Fear of speaking out on issues for fear of being considered a Communist.

43 The Cold War Nations on the Edge



46 “Brinkmanship” 1955- West Germany is allowed to rearm.
Soviets form Warsaw Pact With the new threat of the H-bomb the US prepares for a nuclear war. Smaller army and navy, larger air force. Americans constantly in fear of nuclear war.


48 Covert Actions Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)- used spies to gather information abroad CIA would be responsible in secret operations in many different nations. Trained soldiers, planned assassinations


50 Eisenhower Doctrine Dispute in Middle East causes Ike to take action.
Middle East is vital location. Oil. US would defend the Middle East against any attack by a communist country.


52 Laika- first animal in space. Died from overheating.


54 Able actual rhesus monkey stuffed
Able actual rhesus monkey stuffed. First animal to be launched into space and recovered alive.

55 The Space Race October USSR launches Sputnik, the world’s first satellite is launched. Americans were shocked at being beaten. Poured mass amounts of money into the space program and education.


57 U-2 Incident U-2 spy plane flies high altitudes without detection.
May 1, U-2 is shot down over USSR airspace. Incident leads to added tension between the two superpowers.

58 Summary… Summarize the events that took up the beginning of the Cold War. In what conflicts was the U.S. involved in the world? Who were some of the key individuals in the U.S. at the time?

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