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Building a Foundation for the Common Core State Standards

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Foundation for the Common Core State Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Foundation for the Common Core State Standards
Danielle-introduction, welcome---Not the EXPERTS

2 Objective To learn the framework of the CCSS and the interdependency among the standards as they progress towards College and Career Readiness. To understand how to practice foundational skills in our content areas.

3 Building a Framework Reading Writing Language Listening and Speaking
Add to your general sketch Language Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

4 Writing Reading Language Listening & Speaking
Key Ideas/Details Collaboration & Comprehension Text & Purpose Conventions Standard English Craft & Structure Production & Distribution Knowledge of Language Integration of knowledge and ideas Presentation of Knowledge and ideas Build and Present Knowledge Add to your general sketch Vocabulary Aquisition Range of reading & text Complexity Range of Writing Listening & Speaking Language Writing Reading Foundational Skills: print concepts, fluency, phonemic awareness/phonics, word development

5 Writing Reading Language Message Techniques/Internal Composition
Expanding Knowledge Base Flexibility Key Ideas/Details Collaboration & Comprehension Text & Purpose Conventions Standard English Craft & Structure Production & Distribution Knowledge of Language Integration of knowledge and ideas Presentation of Knowledge and ideas Build and Present Knowledge Patrice-rebuild—color connections Vocabulary Aquisition Range of reading & text Complexity Range of Writing Listening & Speaking Language Writing Reading Foundational Skills: print concepts, fluency, phonemic awareness/phonics, word development

6 College and Career Ready Anchors
Strands Concepts CCR Anchor Standards Patrice 1:40 – 1:50 As we continue to explore the organization of these new standards – we know we have 4 strands that are further subdivided or chunked into Sub-Concepts – These concepts are broadly defined (End in Mind) College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards that start to specify more specifically what students are able to do within a general strand as part of a sub-concept. It is going to take a lot more time for us to be able to break down the grade specific standards. After we get adept at recognizing the specific end of year standards, we will be better equipped for developing learning goals that will ensure the learner progresses towards standards – but it will still take an incredible amount of expertise to break big concepts into attainable goals along a continuum that integrates the literacies and is more rigorous over time. Grade Specific Standards TIME Learning Goals EXPERTISE

7 Foundational Skills Print Concepts (K-1) Fluency (K-5)
Phonics/Word Recognition (K-5) Phonological Awareness (K-2) Liz-

8 Print Concepts Direction of print on a page Return Sweep
One-to-one Correspondence of words on a page First word, last word, capitalization

9 Apply in Content Use charts or poems
When reading directions or charts use a pointer or finger to model direction of print Model where to start reading

10 Phonological Awareness
Awareness of sounds Awareness of rhymes Awareness that sentences can be broken down into words, syllables and sounds When warming up at PE… How many sounds in Jump…do that many jumping jacks How many sounds in mile…squats, etc

11 Apply in your content… Transitions with a rhyme
If your table rhymes with bed (red table lines up) If your wearing a color that rhymes with new (blue)

12 Apply in your content… If your name starts the same as hop…
If your name starts the same as bell… If your name starts the same as teal…

13 Phonics/Word Recognition
The relationship between sounds and their spellings Identifying words (high frequency)

14 Applying it… Use content specific words that are three or four phonemes long and segment them out for students to blend together and guess the word When kids illustrate or draw a picture, create a model..what is the beginning sound…ending sound…etc.

15 Content Examples U U SH BR R M N DR What’s the word?

16 Looing at the picture tell your partner all the words that you see that begin with the /b/ sound, /f/ sound

17 Common Core describes what, not how students will learn.
CCSS Common Core describes what, not how students will learn. Patrice Designing new learning in a new way in order to meet these rigorous standards Not revisiting old ways with new standards…we will literally be designing with new more rigorous standards

18 Standards shift the focus from the teaching to the learning – standards are for students and describe student mastery

19 Exit Pass What is something you learned today?
What is a question you still have about reinforcing Foundational skills of the CCSS? Apps that you might like.. Common Core K-6 Stick Pick Hat Common Core Upad

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