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The Racial “Other”.

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1 The Racial “Other”

2 Representations – People of Color
Earlier portrayals Blackface “attitudinal posture of White superiority” Stereotypes Stereotypes changed with time Guaranteed improvements?

3 Examples of Stereotypes
People of Color ‘Preoccupation with simple ideas, low or nonexistent occupational status, poor speech patterns, inferior strategy in conflict, comedic foil, criminal behavior, sexual promiscuity, dishonesty, drug or alcohol abuse, low regard for human life Native Americans Savages Black Americans Servants, militant, ghetto, sassy Sapphire, aggressive men Latinos Lazy, unclean, Latin Lover, quick tempered Asians Crafty, devious, smart, sexy women, smuggling

4 Other Considerations Changing images? Quantity? Quality?
Types of programming? Leading roles vs. supporting roles? Profitability? Behind the scenes vs. on screen?

5 This week’s focus: Memes
Images Today? This week’s focus: Memes

6 Memes Internet memes… What is a meme? (Dawkins, 1976)
A cultural idea that replicates and mutates to survive Viral spread of ideas Internet memes… Diaz (2013) Can change form; not necessarily meaning Must consider context Known for interactivity and creativity Goal: to be known well enough to replicate within a group Hristova (2013) Memes offer commentary on important issues Memes may use known identities and dichotomies Iconic images/memes use past and present images Possible global media diffusion

7 Humor and Memes Satire and humor used to attack status quo (Berger, 1993) “meant to transform horrific images of abuse and torture into humorous satirical visuals” (Hristova, 2013, p. 91) Laughter has social significance Humor commonly tied in to discuss social issues (Shifman and Thelwall, 2009) Danger of humor satire: will people get it? Schulman (1992) discussed danger of satire (reinforcing bad ideas rather than combatting them)

8 ACT 1 With a partner, find an example of a meme that reinforces or debunks a stereotype about a group discussed in the readings What does the meme communicate? Ground your discussion in the reading Explain the implications (positive or negative) Create a PowerPoint; come prepared to present Wednesday (brief) Bring print out for Dr. G

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