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Contribute to Oxidant Stress and

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1 Contribute to Oxidant Stress and
TRPM2 Channels Activate Rac1 and Contribute to Oxidant Stress and Ischemic AKI Brian Reeves Division of Nephrology Penn State College of Medicine

2 TRPM2 channels Permeable to sodium and calcium Widely expressed
– 1500 aa (170 kDa) Long intracellular N- terminus C-terminus ADPR hydrolase activity Mediate H2O2- induced cell death Sumoza-Toledo and Penner, J Physiol 2011

3 Early events in renal ischemia/reperfusion
Why TRMP2? Early events in renal ischemia/reperfusion Cellular calcium and sodium overload TRPM2 permeable to sodium, calcium and potassium Activation of DNA repair mechanisms with resulting ADPR production TRPM2 gated by ADPR Production of reactive oxygen species TRPM2 gated by H2O2 Production of TNF-a TRPM2 activated by TNF (probably indirect) Injury exacerbated by high temperature TRPM2 activated by high temperature Injury reduced by acidosis TRPM2 gating inhibited by acidosis

4 Preparation of TRPM2 KO Mice
Transmembrane Domain WT TRPM2 Ca2+ Pore Neo Conditional Adenovirus EIIa promoter Cre Recombinase (targets early embryo) TRPM2 KO X loxP loxP = Result Whole Animal KO

5 Expression of TRPM2 in mouse kidney

6 TRPM2 KO mice are resistant to renal I/R injury
140 1.2 WT I/R WT I/R KO I/R WT sham KO sham KO I/R WT sham KO sham 120 1.0 creatinine (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) 100 0.8 * * 80 * 0.6 * 60 * 0.4 40 * 20 0.2 * P<0.02 vs WT 0.0 24 hours 48 24 hours 48

7 TRPM2 KO mice are resistant to renal I/R injury
WT Sham TRPM2KO Sham WT IR 24h TRPM2KO IR 24h

8 Apoptotic pathways are suppressed in TRPM2 KO kidneys

9 Localization of TRPM2 in kidney
sham I/R 6 h no 1o Ab TRPM2 mRNA expression after I/R (fold change) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 MicroArray Realtime PCR

10 Parenchymal TRPM2 Mediates Ischemia/reperfusion Injury
2.5 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 BUN creatinine 2.0 Creatinine (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) 1.5 * P<0.001 vs WT>WT 1.0 * * * * 0.5 0.0 WT>WT KO>WT WT>KO KO>KO

11 Histologic changes in TRPM2 chimeric mice

12 Pharmacologic inhibition of TRPM2:
Effect of clotrimazole on I/R injury 160 1.6 vehicle I/R clotrimazole I/R vehicle clotrimazole 140 1.4 vehicle sham clotrimazole sham 120 1.2 creatinine (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) 100 1.0 80 0.8 60 0.6 * * * * * * 40 0.4 20 0.2 0.0 24 time (hrs) 48 72 24 time (hrs) 48 72 * P<0.02 vs vehicle

13 Pharmacologic inhibition of TRPM2: Effect of 2-APB on I/R injury
2 . 0 c r e a t in in e ( m g /d l) 1 . 5 * 1 . 0 ** 0 . 5 ** 0 . 0 v e h i c l e 1 h r a f t e r 6 h r a f t e r 1 h r b e f o r e 1 2 h r a f t e r 2 - A P B a d m i n i s t r a t i o n 2-APB (2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate)

14 Summary – part 1 TRPM2 KO mice are viable and have normal kidney function/histology TRPM2 KO mice are resistant to ischemia/reperfusion renal injury Effects of TRPM2 are referable to its expression in parenchymal cells TRPM2 KO mice exhibit better preserved renal histology, less renal apoptosis and neutrophil infiltration after I/R Apoptotic pathways are suppressed in TRPM2 KO kidneys after I/R Pharmacologic blockade of TRPM2 protects against renal ischemic reperfusion injury in vivo

15 No change in kidney electrolyte content

16 TRPM2 increases oxidant stress
NADPH Oxidase

17 Rac1 and oxidative stress
Rac1 is a subunit of NAPDH oxidase. When GTP bound, activated Rac1 and phosphorylated p47phox & p67phox translocate to membrane to form the NAPDH complex to initiate production of reactive oxygen species Another TRP channel, TRPC5, forms a complex with Rac1 and Rac1 enhances membrane level of TRPC5. NAPDH oxidase membrane p47 phox p40phox p67 phox Rac1 GDP NADPH + 2O2 GTP Rac1 GDP GTP NADP+ + 2O2°- + H+ Bosco et al, Chem Biol. 2012; Bezzerides V, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2004; Christophe M and Nicolas S. Curr Pharm Des, 2006.

18 TRPM2-dependent Rac1 activation

19 - - TRPM2 associates with active Racl 1Hci02 + - + + + - - - - - ++ -
EV Myc-Rac1- VT V5-TRPMl H Rae ++ - - - EV Myc-Ra-c1..:\\fT V5-TRPM2 H:i + + + EV + Myc-Rac - vr MY c-Rac1-CA My1c-Rac1l-DN V5-T1RPMl 1Hci + - - - + + ++ ++ - - + - + TRPM2 PAb Ract TRPM1 - Aliltf-V5 tg;G TRPMl IP:Arntii-MYic TIRPMl TRPMl illl pllJt Rac1 illlplllt Rac1

20 TRPM2 associates with Rac1 after I/R
sham I/R 6 hr

21 Rac1 inhibition reduces I/R injury

22 Rac1 dependent oxidant stress in I/R
vehicle NSC23766 Blot Ab Anti-4 Hydroxynonenal antibody cleaved caspase-3

23 Summary- part 2 Less oxidative stress in TRPM2 KO mice kidney after I/R Rac1 is activated in renal I/R injury Rac1 activation is blunted in TRPM2 KO mice Rac1 interacts with TRPM2 in vivo and in vitro. Activation of Rac1 enhances TRPM2/Rac1 interactions Rac1 increases membrane localization of TRPM2 (not shown) Pharmacologic inhibition of Rac1 protects against renal ischemia reperfusion injury and reduces oxidative stress

24 TRPM2-mediated Rac1 and NADPH activation in oxidative stress
NAPDH ? TRPM2 membrane p47 p67 p40phox phox phox Rac1 ℗ ℗ GTP Oxidative stress GTP Rac1 GDP Apoptosis inflammatory responses Apoptosis inflammatory responses

25 Conclusions TRPM2 is an important ‘death channel’ which mediates renal ischemia reperfusion injury in vivo and hypoxic epithelial cell death in vitro. Pharmacologic inhibition of TRPM2 may be effective for the prevention of ischemic AKI Rac1 is activated in I/R in a TRPM2-dependent fashion Pharmacologic inhibition of Rac1 may be effective for the prevention of ischemic AKI

26 Future directions Location of relevant TRPM2 expression: endothelial
cell, tubule cells Location of cellular TRPM2: plasma membrane, endosome, lysosome, or mitochondria? Pharmacologic inhibitors of TRPM2: screening assay Mechanisms for TRPM2 activation How does TRPM2 activate Rac1? How does TRPM2 suppress Akt activation?

27 Acknowledgements Barbara Miller, Division of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Guofeng Gao Raghu Tadagavadi Weiwei Wang Nicole Briley Michael Love Genzyme (Renal Innovations Program grant)

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