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Neutrino: Completely polarized particle

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1 Neutrino: Completely polarized particle
“Song Memorial Symposium” (고 송희성 교수 추모 심포지움) 서울대 상산수리과학관, 2017년 4월 12/13일 김수봉 (서울대 물리학부)

2 My master thesis advisor
“Final Polarizations in quasielastic neutrino nucleon scattering” (1988)

3 My publication with Prof. Song

4 Particle Polarization & Dirac Equation
Helicity (spin polarization) : - Left handed (LH) & right handed (RH) helicities Dirac equation : - A relativistically moving point-like fermion

5 Completely Polarized Neutrino
LH neutrino & RH antineutrino : - Left handed Standard Model (SM) - Massless neutrino in SM (no interaction between LH and RH neutrinos) Discovery of neutrino oscillation and mass : - Nobel prize in physics (2015) : Kajita and McDonald - Requires modification of SM to include the neutrino mass and the right handed neutrino

6 Calculation with QED Calculation of transition amplitude :
- Doing “trace” of g -matrices - Cross section : usually “trace” of 4 or 6 g –matrix products Calculation of polarized transition amplitude : - Even “trace” of 8 g –matrix products !!!

7 Prof. Song’s work on neutrinos
Who is he?

8 My research work on neutrinos
Ph.D. thesis on solar neutrino detection (1989) : - Real time, directional measurement of 8B solar neutrinos in the Kamiokande-II detector and search for short-time variation Detection of a neutrino burst from the Supernova SN1987A (1987) Observation of atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations (1998) at Super-Kamiokande Measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters using an accelerator beam with K2K and T2K ( )

9 Construction of RENO neutrino detector (2011)
450 m.w.e. Far Detector Near Detector 1380m 290m 120 m.w.e.

10 [citation : 1509 (Inspires), 928 (web of science)]
Observation of the smallest neutrino mixing angle q13 (2012) Definitive measurement of the last, smallest neutrino mixing angle q13 based on the disappearance of reactor electron antineutrinos → Open a bright window for (1) CP violating phase, and (2) neutrino mass hierarchy [citation : 1509 (Inspires), (web of science)]

11 Observation of energy and baseline dependent reactor antineutrino disappearance (2016)
~2.5% (± 12 %) (± 10 %)

12 Efforts on Korea Neutrino Observatory (KNO)
대구시 달성군 비슬산 경북 영천시 보현산

13 Physics Potentials of KNO
Neutrino oscillation Neutrino telescope New step to geo-science CP phase & neutrino mass ordering at 2nd oscillation maximum Lifetime : 1035 yr

14 송희성 교수님, Polarization, ... 잊지 않고 길이 기억할 것입니다.
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