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Else K. Bünemann1 and Christoph Müller2,3

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1 Else K. Bünemann1 and Christoph Müller2,3
A 33P tracing model for quantifying gross P transformation rates in soil Else K. Bünemann1 and Christoph Müller2,3 1 Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich, Eschikon 33, CH-8315 Lindau, Switzerland 2 School of Biology and Environmental Science, Earth Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 3 Department of Plant Ecology (IFZ), Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany

2 The challenge Soil P dynamics: dominance of physicochemical processes
SOIL SOLUTION P (Pi + Po) MICROBIAL P (Pi + Po) INORGANIC P (Pi) ORGANIC P (Po) Pools Sorption/desorption Microbial processes Simultaneous to each other and to the physicochemical processes Soil P dynamics: dominance of physicochemical processes Main microbial processes: mineralization and immobilization => How can we quantify them?

3 N mineralization and immobilization
Mineral N IMM. MICROBIAL and ORGANIC N t1 MIN. t2 For N: incubation and extraction (t1,t2); dNmin(t1,t2) = net N mineralization 15N isotopic dilution methods: gross mineralization - gross immobilization = net N mineralization For N: Net N mineralization can be measured by incubation and extraction (adsorption considered negligible) 15N isotopic dilution methods to go further into the processes Gross min – gross imm = net min (very simplified; in reality many simultaneous processes, including gaseous losses)

4 P mineralization and immobilization
SOIL SOLUTION P IMM. MICROBIAL and ORGANIC P MIN. INORGANIC P (Pi) For P: incubation and extraction (t1,t2); no accumulation of soil solution P due to buffering 33P isotopic dilution technique: - assess gross rates (physicochemical and biological) - derive net organic P mineralization In most soils no change in soil solution P over time Need 33P isotopic dilution for gross rates and for net

5 33P isotopic dilution technique to measure gross and net organic P mineralization
soil + H2O (1:10) 33P 100 min exp, extrapolate specific activity (33P/31P) in the soil solution => extrapolated SA (physicochemical processes) incubate 33P- labeled soils => measured SA (physicochemical+biological processes) net release of 31Pi to the soil solution by mineralization of 31Po gross Oehl et al. SSSAJ 2001; Bünemann et al. SBB 2007

6 Case study on organic P mineralization
Else Bünemann-König: Summary of research presentation at MLU Mon Dec 2, 2013 Cambisol, pHH2O 5.5, 44% sand, 22% clay derived from: -isotopic dilution method -C mineralization Mineral P input Annual plant P uptake Microbial P immobili-zation Net P minerali-zation Treat- ment kg P ha-1 yr-1 mg P kg-1 d NK 6.2 b 5.5 a 2.7 a 0.36 ns NPK 17 16.6 a 2.2 b 0.9 b 0.39 ns Now to an interesting case study. Long-term grassland fertilization trial on a Cambisol (Braunerde bis Kalkbraunerde). Similar N and K inputs, different P levels. Plant P limitation clearly shown. Thus: even on our soils P deficiency likely in the absence of mineral P fertilizer inputs. Surprising result: very fast microbial P immobilization rate under P-limited conditions (high-affinity P transporters in action). Estimate of net P mineralization: high uncertainty because of incomplete extraction. Different approach: deduce from C mineralization? Benefit from progress made in data evaluation of 15N isotopic dilution experiments 45 kg N ha-1 yr-1 83 kg K ha-1 yr-1 Uncertainty due to incomplete extraction of microbial P Bünemann et al. SBB 2012 Bünemann et al. SBB 2012

7 A numerical 33P tracing model
Conceptual model with 5 P pools and 9 P transformations Transformation rates: zero, first or second order (Michaelis Menten) kinetics Initial pool sizes and tracer distribution based on measured values In collaboration with Christoph Müller, Giessen: Developed P cycle model to simulate experimental data (31P and 33P) Explain P pools and transformations Kinetics of transformation rates can be selected, including MM which is relevant for microbial transformations Initial pools can be measured: e.g. Pif is the P isotopically exchangeable in 24 h, Pof is microbial P. Müller & Bünemann SBB 2014

8 Model parameter optimization
Markov Chain Monte Carlo method: «random walk in the parameter space» Entrapment in local minima avoided, e.g. two parameter space: => Probability density function for each parameter (mean and stdev) Explain random walk: Improved parameters always accepted Degraded fit sometimes accepted, sometimes rejected Explain data output Müller et al. SBB 2007

9 Observed vs. modelled values
Simulation of experimental data (31P and 33P in Pw and Pof): good agreement between measured and modeled values Each pool defined by differential equations for change in 31P and in 33P/31P => transformation rates Agreement between measured and modelled values Different kinetics tested, best fit evaluated by AIC Calculation of transformation rates Müller & Bünemann SBB 2014

10 Conclusions from the modelling approach
=0.77 mg P kg-1 d-1 Net Po mineralization rate (NK) = 0.46 – 0.35 mg P kg-1 day-1 lower than estimate based on C mineralization 0.27 0.19 0.31 0.04 Dominance of microbial immobilization and remineralization over slow mineralization/immobilization Ratio of microbial to physicochemical processes in this soil (NK): about 1:2.5 0.84 0.0004 0.44 0.29 Allows us to put numbers to the transformation rates Here: Average over 32 days, but can also show rates for each time step Net Po mineralization: lower than estimate based on C mineralization, posing questions of mineralised substrates Microbial processes more important than mineralization of non-living SOM Microbial processes not negligible! (consequences for E-value concept…) 0.31 =1.88 mg P kg-1 d-1 Müller & Bünemann SBB 2014

11 Outlook Modelling approach allows application of isotopic dilution principles to non-steady-state conditions (baseline of extrapolated E-values not needed) Progress: application to non-steady-state conditions! (baseline not needed) e.g. Presence of growing plant, incorporation of plant residues


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