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Tool Data for ESPRIT CAM Made Really Easy

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1 Tool Data for ESPRIT CAM Made Really Easy

2 WinTool Tool Library for ESPRIT Integration
Component Data Assembly Data Tool List Data

3 Using the WinTool library in ESPRIT

4 Selection window of available WinTool tool lists
Get a Tool List Selection window of available WinTool tool lists New WinTool interface buttons “Get” and “Put” “Get” tools out of library into ESPRIT A typical part for solid milling Example 1: Import a predefined tool list Select desired tool list Transfer to ESPRIT

5 Switch to "Tools" to view them
View Tools Switch to "Tools" to view them

6 KnowledgeBase Integration
WinTool work materials and cutting conditions WinTool cutting conditions have also been transferred to the KB

7 Activate Work Material
Set up part material to enable usage of cutting conditions

8 First Operation: Facing
Choose tool: face mill Select operation Activate KB Get cutting condition Als Erstes soll das Rohteil plan gefräst werden. Nachdem die Funktion festgelegt ist, wählen wir aus den übergebenen Werkzeugen den Messerkopf. Bei Aktivierung der KB werden die Schnittwerte automatisch übernommen. Nachdem die weiteren Angaben zur Bearbeitung angegeben sind, wird das Fenster verlassen. Adjust operation details and exit

9 Verify face mill operation 1:1 representation of tool and holder
Verify Operation 1 Verify face mill operation 1:1 representation of tool and holder Für die Simulation wird eine Massgerechte Darstellung des Werkzeugs verwendet. Die Kontur des Werkzeugs, der Verlängerungen und des Halters werden automatisch aufgebaut.

10 Second Operation: Pocketing
Select tool for wall finishing Select tool for roughing Adjust operation details and exit

11 Verify pocketing operation
Verify Operation 2 Verify pocketing operation Collision detected

12 Get an Alternative Tool
Set tool class and other search filters Check details and transfer tool to ESPRIT Get a better suited tool for the operation Select tool Import a single tool assembly

13 Replace Tool and Verify
Select the new tool and get cutting conditions Verify operation with replaced end mill Replace the tool that caused the collision

14 Continue with other Operations
face milling pocketing roughening cont. drilling 0.27 drilling 0.315 deep drill 0.315 boring 0.394 thread M8 Continue with other operations on the part

15 part name and parameters have been transferred
Generate Tool List part name and parameters have been transferred Save tool list in WinTool and exit All the tools imported in the current project Generate in WinTool a tool list with only the tools needed for manufac- turing “Put” exports used-only tools to WinTool tool list

16 Technical Tool Data Library
Print Tool List Technical Tool Data Library Check new generated tool list from ESPRIT-part in WinTool Print tool list for use on the shop floor Select new tool list .. as a setup sheet with tool parts list, etc. etc. Open tool list section As a short summary or …

17 Use 2D/3D geometry, holders and cutting data
Summary Use 2D/3D geometry, holders and cutting data Generate automatically a detailed tool list Use tool list for setup and manufacturing WinTool Library with tool information

18 Your Advantages  Central tool library (2D, 3D, cutting data) with proven tools  Simulation with true holder representation  Detailed tool list reports for error-free setup  Shared tool database for ESPRIT users and shop floor  Significant time savings and quality improvement not only in NC-programming!

19 Tool Data for ESPRIT CAM Made Really Easy

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