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Experience with Corsika

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1 Experience with Corsika
B. Pastirčák, P. Bobík, J. Szabelski, M.Putis, K.Kudela JEM-EUSO Atmospheric Monitoring & Simulation KIT, Karlsruhe April 2013

2 Outline Motivation: We are developing SecondaryCR model for secondary particles in the Earth atmosphere which evaluates spectra of e-, e+, mu+, mu-, gammas, protons, neutrons, Cherenkov light etc at different positions, altitudes and times during 22nd and 23rd solar cycle. For evaluation we use results of HelMod model. Transparency of magnetosphere is obtained by GeoMag model and finally secondary production in Earth magnetoshpere we simulate by Corsika package. For this purpose we have examined Corsika package on several Linux platforms, mostly Fedora Core (14-17) and Ubuntu 12.10; both on 32bit and 64bit architectures trying all low (GHEISHA, FLUKA and URQMD) and high (DPMJET, EPOS, NEXUS, QGSJET, QGSII, SIBYLL and VENUS) energy hadronic interaction models. Several problems appeared during testing , but I will concentrate to only 2 main questions. Firstly, we were not able to compile FLUKA in Corsika package in general on 64bit architecture The second question is connected with conversion the binary Corsika output to ROOT file.

3 The code We have examined corsika-6971 and corsika-6990
We have developed (thanks to Jacek Szabelski) SW for conversion Corsika binary output to ROOT file Want to use all 3 low energy hadronic models: GHEISHA, FLUKA, URQMD (due to study low energies) Calculations on Kosice JEM-EUSO cluster, which is on 64bit architecture

4 JEM-EUSO Kosice cluster
4*32 + 6* Ghz; 10 TB fc14.x86_64 kernel G77:gcc version 3.4.6 GFORTRAN: gcc version 4.5.1 fc17.x86_64 kernel GFORTRAN: gcc version 4.7.2 ROOT 5.34/03 corsika-6971, corsika-6990 fluka gfor64

5 Examined also on 32bit architecture, (here on Ubuntu 12.10):
generic-pae #64-Ubuntu SMP kernel G77: gcc version (Ubuntu ubuntu5) GFORTRAN: gcc version (Ubuntu/Linaro ubuntu5) In this case of 32bit architecture Corsika with Fluka successfully compiles and provides reasonable result

6 Fluka installation instructions
o 32 bits, requires gcc/g77 (version >= 3.4) fluka linuxAA.tar.gz o 64 bits, requires gcc/gfortran (version >= 4.4) fluka linux-gfor64bitAA.tar.gz FLUFOR (optional): containing the compiler type ("gfortran" or "g77") which must be coherent with the architecture of the package you downloaded. GFORFLU (optional): set to specify the specific version of gfortran to be used if more than one is available (i.e. if on your machine "gfortran" points to a version < 4.4, and "gfortran44" points to version 4.4, you canset GFORFLU to "gfortran44" and happily use the FLUKA gfortran 64 bits version).

7 Conversion output file to ROOT
{gSystem->CompileMacro("TWczytkonf.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_runh_6700.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_evth_6700.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_long_6700.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_evte_6700.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_rune_6700.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_Subblocks.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Tc_masses_6700.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TJS_CORS_filetype_info.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TJS_CORS_filetype.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TJSr_CORSIKA.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TJS_interface4CORSIKA.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TOneParticle.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TLongNandDEfromDATLong.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TReadDATLong.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TReadCorsikaASCIIoutput.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("TDATTree.cpp","k"); gSystem->CompileMacro("Twpa2root.cpp","k"); }

8 Conversion output file to ROOT
[directories] InDir = /home/slavo/Corsika/Analyza/C4R/tmp/ OutDir = /home/slavo/Corsika/Analyza/ROOT/tmp/ [files] datNR = DAT000191 datNR = DAT000291 datNR = DAT000391 datNR = DAT000491 datNR = DAT000591 datNR = DAT000691 datNR = DAT000791 datNR = DAT000891 datNR = DAT000991 datNR = DAT001091

9 Converted to ROOT output

10 Preliminary example result

11 Summary Examined Corsika packages corsika-6971 and corsika-6990
In both cases not possible to compile Corsika with Fluka on 64bit architecture The conversion od Corsika binary output to ROOT TTree file using our conversion SW is possible only for corsika-6971 version, not for newer one corsika-6990 However, the result obtained by succesfully compiled Corsika are in good agreement compared to one data example

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