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UWC CE Database Why? The university has grown to such an extent that units within faculties were unaware of each other’s engagements. To coordinate and.

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Presentation on theme: "UWC CE Database Why? The university has grown to such an extent that units within faculties were unaware of each other’s engagements. To coordinate and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of the Western Cape (UWC) Community Engagement (CE) Partnerships

2 UWC CE Database Why? The university has grown to such an extent that units within faculties were unaware of each other’s engagements. To coordinate and align projects. Facilitate partnerships Access funding

3 Database The Community Engagement Unit (CEU) within the Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), were tasked with developing the database. Launched in December 2014 The CE database both captures information and provides information on CE projects

4 The CE database Showcases CE activities.
Serves as a promotional/marketing tool, as it presents viewers (both on and off campus) with information about UWC CE activities and development. Presents an opportunity to access information about engagement activities on and off campus. Provides cross-links and references to CE activities. Provides a platform for knowledge sharing and coordination. Provides potential development of partnerships on and off campus

5 Type of partnerships Location of partners UWC CE hours
CE Partnerships Type of partnerships Location of partners UWC CE hours

6 Types of partnerships Community based organisation
Educational Institution Faith based organisation Government agency Non-government organisation Non-profit organisation Other


8 UWC Local Provincial National International
Location of partners UWC Local Provincial National International


10 Two-thirds of UWC partnerships are in the area surrounding the university, facilitating UWC’s strategic goal of developing the campus and surrounding areas



13 Monetary value Organisations estimating the value of volunteers simply use a gross hourly average from a particular industrial sector (Brown, 1999). The average monthly earnings in community, social and personal service industry (Statssa, 2017) was used to estimate the hourly value of engagement for staff, but the average work-study hourly rate was used for students. The calculation of monetary value was included in the report to demonstrate the impact of CE. Acknowledges the input of UWC’s partners involved in curricula based projects.

14 UWC CE Hours Through 521 documented partnerships, staff have given 7549 hours and students hours per week. The monetary value of CE for staff per week was R The monetary value of CE for students per week was R

15 Annual Projected Monetary Value
Staff’s projected total hours for a 45-week academic year were estimated at hours and the monetary value was R Students’ projected total hours for a 45-week academic year were estimated at hours and the monetary value was R

16 Conclusion The database is a platform which allows project managers and coordinators in faculties and offices to share their CE activities with their colleagues, as well as with all those who have access to it. The information presented should be seen as a resource to promote the departments, schools, centres and units of UWC.

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