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Beam instrumentation for HIE-ISOLDE
Sergey Sadovich on behalf of BE-BI group and HIE-ISOLDE collaboration BI/TB – Thursday 2 Nov 2017
Agenda Current status Instruments: performance and issues
Planned activities for end beginning 2018
Current status
HIE-ISOLDE – stage 2A Beam diagnostic tasks:
to 9.3 MeV/u for beams with A/q = 4.5 to 14.3 MeV/u for beams with A/q = 2.5 Experimental targets Beam diagnostic tasks: Required by users and OP: Max current of RIB Intensity (transmission) Position of the beam Transverse profile Transverse emittance Absolute energy measurement (0.5% resolution) Longitudinal profile from 2.85 MeV/u
HIE ISOLDE layout – Beam Instrumentation
5 “short” and 13 “long” diagnostic boxes are installed Instrumentation: All boxes have: Faraday Cup Scanning Slit Collimator blade Additional devices: Silicon Detectors (x5) Stripping Foils (x4) Silicon Telescope (x1) USER’S Faraday Cup (x2 per line) Note: Current configuration is operational Some work is still to be performed this year and beginning of 2018 XT02.BDB.1100 XT01.BDB.0900 XT03.BDB.0900 XT02.BDB.0630 XT01.BDB.0400 XT02.BDB.0400 XT03.BDB.0400 XLN2.BDB.0300 XLN3.BDB.0300 XLN4.BDB.0300 XLN5.BDB.0300 XT00.BDB.0700 XT00.BDB.1050 XT00.BDB.1300 XT00.BDB.1600 XT00.BDB.1900 XT00.BDB.2200 XT00.BDB.2500
Beam Diagnostic Box “Short” and “Long” type Collimators Scanning slit
Stripping foils Faraday Cup Si. detector Collimators beam Si telescope Vacuum pump “Short” and “Long” type
Back in 2014… original layout
“Several” differences from the original spec In short: Short/long DB 6 type of instruments 3 different type of Silicon Detectors Different holders for SD Different holders for stripping foils Different actuators for collimator slits Every DB starts to be unique
BI-HIE ISOLDE web page Information about Instruments Diagnostic Boxes
Information about Instruments Diagnostic Boxes Manual Cabling
Instruments: performance and issues
Faraday Cups (direct charge collection):
Short and long Faraday Cups schematic design *Short FC gives ~10% higher current (with repeller HV up to -300V) than Long FC Installation two FC in one box is forseen
FC and Scanning slit (profile measurement)
FC and Scanning slit (profile measurement)
The beam reading in the FC is altered when the beam is off-centered / too large and hits repeller Since 2017 available in OP application and actively used
FC and 2 Scanning slits (transverse emittance)
This measurement was planning but is postponed
Silicon detectors Absolute energy measurement of the beam was proved: roughly measurement using energy output and fine correction using timing output. Using TOF for energy measurement/phasing cavities was proved. Time of flight measurement using two detectors (annular and entire) at the same time requires too much time for tuning the beam (position and intensity) and is not sufficient. Two silicon detectors can be used alternately. However holder for SD in XT00.BDB.1050 is modified and can be used with SD in XT00.BDB simultaneously with partial overlap. Works well as sensitive faraday cup for RIB (single particle detection). Different applications XLN2.BDB.0300 XT00.BDB.1300 XT00.BDB.1900 XT00.BDB.1050 XT01.BDB.0400 XT02.BDB.0400 XT03.BDB.0400
Cavity phasing
Cavity phasing using TOF information
Change in energy when the phase of a SRF cavity is changed Phase [deg] dE [bin] -150 -100 -50 50 100 150 3800 3700 3600 3500 3400 3300 Change in TOF when the phase of a SRF cavity is changed Phase [deg] dTOF [ns] -150 -100 -50 50 100 150 25 20 15 10 5 This method is faster than using the information on the energy since beam currents can be higher (i.e. less saturation constrains) and all the events can be used to build up the statistics in multi-ion beams
Relative energy measurements using dipole
B [T] I / IMAX Dipole scans for beams with different energies 1 mm vertical slits All quads and steerers off Silicon detector Energy measurements using the first dipole magnet of the XT01 line: Vertical slits (1 mm) were inserted before and after the dipole to select ions in the beam axis Quads and steerers were turned off The silicon detector in XT was used to measure the beam rates for different settings of the dipole
Energy Measurements Using TOF
XT Si detector 7.76 m XT Si detector time [ns] N / NMAX Bunch time structure for beams with different energies measured at XT Si detector time [ns] N / NMAX Bunch time structure for beams with different energies measured at XT Si detector The TOF system uses the time information provided by two silicon detectors separated 7.76 m from each other Energy changes smaller than 0.5 % could be easily resolved Bunch structure in second Si detector has partially degraded
Energy measurement: summary
3 different techniques were used for beam energy measurement (energy output of SD, (spectroscopy), dipole scan and time-of-flight measurements) After cross-calibration all methods give consistent results Changes of energy less than 0.5% could be resolved
Silicon detectors Two more SD will (?) be installed in XT and XT XLN2.BDB.0300 XT00.BDB.1300 XT00.BDB.1900 XT00.BDB.1050 XT01.BDB.0400 XT02.BDB.0400 XT03.BDB.0400 Sensitive FC: “there is nothing more permanent than temporary…” unknown author
Degradation of SD Degradation (not critical for relative measurement, can affect final measurements) SD in XLN2 should be changed.
Energy measurement: Pulse Height Defect
Cocktail of beams (EBIS and Xe from GPS target) sent to the XT silicon detector PHD is visible for heavy ions – time of flight technique should be used for energy measurement # Counts Energy bin # Energy spectrum for a beam with A/q = 4.0 and REX energy 132Xe33+ 40Ar10+ 20Ne5+ 16O4+ 4He1+ 12C3+ XT deviation from linearity Mass Number (A) Ebin# / A Mass Number (A) Ebin# / A Deviation from linearity as a function of mass number XT deviation from linearity Mass Number (A) Ebin# / A
Stripping foils Stripping foils have life time…
Control movement of devices Faraday Cup acquisition FC HV control Beam profile scan New release at the end of 2016y HREXDBOB HREXDBOX_BI HREXDBOX_FC HREXDBOX_SL Digitizer CAEN V1724 Energy measurement using Silicon Detector HREXDIGI TDC Acqiris TC890 Energy measurement using Time Of Flight technique using Silicon Detector HREXTOF Devices in BDB: Scanning slit Faraday cup Collimator slit Stripping foil Silicon detector ISEG HV power supply High Voltage control for Silicon Detector BHVVDS24
FESA HREXDBOB Full control of the custom made VME card: Stepping motors control Acquisition of the FC Control of custom made preamplifier for FC HV control of the FC Interlocks in VME to avoid collision of instruments Interlock system on FESA level to avoid collision of instruments Expert application HREXDBOX_BI, HREXDBOX_FC, HREXDBOX_SL Functionality and interface necessary for the specific type of the instrument HREXDIGI Control of CAEN V1724 digitizer Energy measurement Protection of the SD from damage by intense beam Silicon telescope HREXTOF Time-of-flight measurements using AGILENT time to digital converter BHVVDS24 Control of ISEG HV power supply used for SD Several modifications will be done to improve performance (not critical bugs). For all classes expert applications are available
Available infrastructure
TDC has 6 channels (5 SD) and used mostly for countrate (counts per second). Modification of FESA class HREXDIGI will be done to free channels of TDC. Two Digitizer are available (8 channels each) (6 for all possible ST, 7 for all possible SD) Two HV ISEG cards are available (8 channels each) . Additional instruments (of the same type) can be added, but for new DB installation additional equipment is required.
Planned activities Temporary installation of DB after ISS magnet December 2017 (scanning slit and FC should be available) Installation CM4 – early 2018: Movement of DB – connection / disconnection Work on instruments/update SW can be done (?) Silicon telescopes installation (XT01 and XT02) (?) Silicon detectors installation (XT02 and XT03)
Summary At the end 2017 all beam diagnostics (boxes and instruments) at HIE ISOLDE are installed and functional: Software control system is available for all diagnostic devices (FESA and expert tools). All the systems have been successfully commissioned and met specifications. Physics campaign since July 2017… still going well. Several improvements are foreseen for end 2017 – beginning 2018
Acknowledgements This presentation includes work and contribution from many CERN colleagues, in particular William Andreazza, Stephane Bart Pedersen, Enrico Bravin, Stephane Burger, Esteban Cantero, Michel Duraffourg, Martino Ferrari, Gerrit Jan Focker, Alberto Rodriguez, Jean Tassan-Viol.
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