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FDEM Updates Richard Butgereit, GISP

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1 FDEM Updates Richard Butgereit, GISP
Chief Information Officer Jason Ray GIS Administrator THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

2 Geographic Information Office
This issue requests the transfer of two vacant positions, associated rate and Salary and Benefits, and Human Services Resources appropriation from the Agency for State Technology's (AST) State Data Center budget entity to AST's Executive Direction and Support Services budget entity to establish a Geographic Information Officer and a Research and Planning Administrator position. An additional $128,176 is being requested in Salaries and Benefits to upgrade the classifications from the current classifications being transferred from the State Data Center budget entity in issue code 3000A30 - Reclass positions to establish a Geographic Information Officer and a Research and Planning Administrator. THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

3 Geographic Information Office
Florida is one of only two states that does not have an enterprise approach to managing its state GIS assets and spends millions of dollars annually to collect and maintain Geographic Information System (GIS) data to support the state's mission critical services. At least ??? of all data collected by government entities has a geographic component and the use of GIS is a critical component of many state agencies. The collection and use of GIS information by state and local agencies, as well as the demand from citizens for access to this type of location data, is growing rapidly. Florida currently lacks the infrastructure to support large scale enterprise GIS initiatives that have the potential for significant return on investment . The establishment of a GIO is critical in pursing potential savings.    THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

4 Geographic Information Office
Letters of support for the GIO to the Office of Policy and Budget Policy Coordinator (General Government Unit) can be sent to: Laurie Grasel, Policy Coordinator Office of Policy and Budget Executive Office of the Governor 1802 Capitol Tallahassee, Florida THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

5 NWS Inundation Mapping Locations
Inundation mapping corresponding to flood categories conveys flood severity and risk, based on the potential impact to property and public safety rather than on the probability of occurrence. Such maps are provided at select forecast locations, with the aim to assist local partners such as emergency mangers and public officials in assessing overall flood risk. THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

6 NWS Inundation Mapping Locations

7 NWS Inundation Mapping Locations

8 NWS Inundation Mapping Locations
Tallahassee, FL (TAE) ABNG1 - Flint River (GA) at Albany, GA BFDF1 - Suwannee River at Branford (US 27), FL BLOF1 - Apalachicola River near Blountstown, FL DOUF1 - Suwannee River at Dowling Park (CR 250), FL ELLF1 - Suwannee River at Ellaville (US 90), FL LURF1 - Suwannee River at Luraville (SR 51), FL THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

9 LiDAR Legislative Budget Request
FDEM Legislative Budget Request The Division requests $15M of non-recurring spending authority from General Revenue in the Contracted Services appropriation category to jointly work with State and Federal partners to acquire consistent, statewide coverage to support existing and emerging applications enabled by digital elevation data. This initiative is proposed for the Division to work with counties, water management districts, and state agencies to prioritize areas and contract out to acquire the data over the entire state to meet current USGS 3DEP Quality Level 2 and timeliness criteria. Statewide acquisition would be more cost efficient and with applications across all levels of government, the state should realize a full return on its $15M investment within 2 years. In addition, the state should realize a cost/benefit ratio of 1 to 4.6 in less than 8 years. THE FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

10 NOAA High Resolution Land Cover

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