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What every student should know to pass the Civics & Economics EOC

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1 What every student should know to pass the Civics & Economics EOC
Civics & Economics Top 100 What every student should know to pass the Civics & Economics EOC Goal 8

2 Goal 8: The learner will analyze features of the economic system of the United States.

3 Economic Questions Economics is the study of how we make decisions in a world where resources are limited. WHAT to produce? HOW to produce? FOR WHOM to produce?

4 Free Enterprise System
Economic system in which individuals and businesses are allowed to compete for profit with a minimum of government interference

5 Circular Flow Model Circular flow shows us that input from each sector and to each sector spurs on production and thus goods and services are created.

6 Supply The amount of goods and services that producers are able and willing to sell at various prices during a specified time period Law of Supply – the principle that suppliers will normally offer more for sale at higher prices and less at lower prices

7 Demand The desire, willingness, and ability to buy a good or service
Law of Demand - the concept that people are normally willing to buy less of a product if the price is high and more of it if the price is low

8 Types of Income Wages - Payment for labor or services to a worker, especially remuneration on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis or by the piece. Salary - Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis.

9 Surplus Situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded Situation in which government spends less than it collects in revenue

10 Shortage Situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied

11 Competition The struggle that goes on between buyers and sellers to get the best products at the lowest prices

12 Types of Businesses Sole Proprietorship – a business owned and operated by a single person Partnership – a business owned by two or more people Corporation – type of business organization owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a person

13 Labor Unions Association of workers organized to improve wages and working conditions

14 Investments An asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are used in the future to create wealth. In finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will be sold at a higher price in the future.

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