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Theory and Nursing Research

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1 Theory and Nursing Research

2 Theory A set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relationships among variables, with the purpose of explaining, and predicting phenomena. Kerlinger, 1973

3 Theory An abstract generalization that presents a systematic explanation about relationships among phenomena. Polit and Beck, 2004 An integrated set of defined concepts and propositions that present a view of phenomenon and can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control phenomena. Grove, 2005 A set of related statements that describes or explains phenomena in a systematic way

4 Theory development It is basic aim of science
It makes scientific findings meaningful and generalizable Theory provides description, explanation of the occurrence of phenomena It is subjected to further development and revision or may be discarded if not supported by empirical evidence

5 concept A word picture or mental idea of a phenomenon
May be concrete or abstract

6 Concepts The building blocks of theory
It is a word or term that symbolize some aspect of reality A concept can be Concrete: Human heart, School Abstract: Pain, love

7 Construct Is a term used to indicate a phenomena that cannot be directly observed but must be inferred by certain concrete or less abstract indicators Examples: wellness, assertiveness, self esteem

8 Construct “Concept” and “construct” are sometimes used interchangeably although a construct often refers to a more complex abstraction than a concept Similar to a concept in that it refers to an abstraction Different from a concept in that it is deliberately invented (constructed) by researchers for a scientific purpose Health locus of control Self-care in Orem’s model

9 Proposition Is a statement or assertion of the R/S b/w concepts
For example, “ there is a relationship between smoking and lung cancer” “pulse rate and respiration”

10 Empirical Generalization
Similar pattern of events is found in empirical data of different studies Have repeatedly tested and have not been disproved. “Nurses who earn high salaries have scored high levels of job satisfaction”

11 Hypothesis Tentative prediction of the relationship between two or more variables.

12 Model Is a symbolic representation of some phenomena Structural
Pictorial Diagrammatic mathmetical

13 Conceptual models Concepts and propositions that state the relationship between the concepts Person Environment Nursing Health

14 Ladder of Abstraction Worldview Frameworks Theories Concepts Variables

15 The Concepts of Levin’s Nursing model (Conservation model)

16 Conservation Model Energy Structural Integrity Personal Integrity
Wholeness Adaptation Conservation Environment Organismic Response Trophicognosis Internal - Physiology - Pathophysiology External - Perceptual - Operational - Conceptual Fight or Flight Inflammatory Response Response to stress Perceptual Response Energy Structural Integrity Personal Integrity Social Integrity

17 Examples of Nursing theorists
Orem’s self-care deficit model Roger’s science of unitary human beings Roy’s adaptation model Neuman’s systems model

18 Theoretical and conceptual framework
Presents broad, general explanation of the relationships between the concepts of interest in research study

19 Theory generation and development
Deductive reasoning: from general to specific Inductive reasoning: from specific to general

20 Types of theories Grand theories: a broad range of phenomena in the environment or in the experience of humans Middle range theories: much narrow focus, connected to small number of concepts such as coping, stress, body image, adult learning, and social support

21 Sources of theories for Nursing Research
Theories from Nursing such as King’s theory of goal attainment Theories from other disciplines such as sociology, biology, anthropology. Job satisfaction (Herzberg, 1966) Combined sources from nursing and other disciplines

22 Theory testing in Nursing research
Review various theories Select theory LR Develop Hypotheses Define study variables Choose instruments Describe findings Relate conclusions to theory Determine support Determine implications for nursing Recommendation of future research

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