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Prof .Dr. Hamzah Salman Al-Mamoori

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1 Prof .Dr. Hamzah Salman Al-Mamoori
Architectural Design Creativity between Thinking Skills and Computer Techniques: As Important Issue of Education Output Prof .Dr. Hamzah Salman Al-Mamoori

2 The routes of the research relate with five questions :
Architectural Design Creativity between Thinking Skills and Computer Techniques: As Important Issue of Education Output The routes of the research relate with five questions : 1- what is creativity ? creativity is the interaction among aptitude , process and environment by which individual or groups produces perceptible product that is both novel and useful as defined with in social context. UNESCO declared that creativity is a kind of hope for communities in a detailed view . creativity , is the core in every field of design . in engineering is the effectiveness of producing ideas as products . It is ,the production of ideas , products and process, the effectiveness of idea generation can be linked to the method of used by engineers to generate concepts.

3 2-When creativity be of great issue in our world?
In Architecture: It is process based on creative phase , where creativity is highly valued , creativity is rich to simulate the decision – making process , and that rarely present in building design process as tool. It is the use of variety to enrich the design studio environment , based on cultural framework for each nation. 2-When creativity be of great issue in our world? Although ,creativity or imagination can be found in writing of ancient Greece and Rome. In the middle decades of the 20th century Creativity studying be fundamental issue for scientists . Creativity and the evaluation of it have been widely studied and subjected to critiques by researchers . All creativity researches involve multiple epistemological , theoretical and methodological ties that may make comparison impossible .

4 In Architecture : In the new world of information and technologies there is sifting in architectural design process . Previously architecture design is the issue of points , lines , planes and volumes .

5 In the world of computer and the digital world ,architectural design is a process of bits and vertices , and that allow forms to be more difficult and complex in comparing with the previous stage, in the age of digital design.



8 Architectural education is of four systems which quite different .
Before the modern movement , and before the academic education on architecture , master – pupil system with the community – oriented view , that was responsible for data transition with little creativity. The opening of architectural schools and their head school of fine – arts in Paris ( ), the traditional method had continued in a form of academic. Bauhaus school opening in Germany ( ), was the pioneer of modern movement , their applied new approaches , including a reconciliation of art and craft in solving problems.

9 Type of architectural education
The world of computer generates design and contractual to both specialist , technical and communication skills to generate design and contractual to both specialist and non- specialist audience and enable architectural design to be realized , so this is our topic of the research. Type of architectural education Date Learning theory Master –pupil system 1800 Functionalism (Relying on factors outside individual) Disciple and leader system (beaux-art) Behaviorism (Relying on behavioral objects) The immersion system (Bauhaus) Cognitivism (Emphasis on problem solving) Creative problem –solving system Ultra- cognitivism(depending on their individual recognition ) Table .1. historical evaluation of architectural education and its efficiency from learning theory

10 3- Where is the domain of creativity ?
creativity appears for that, there is no field of discipliners never miss or neglect the meaning of creativity . In the era of today modern economy , technological factors , knowledge , creativity and measurement of creative industry become the focus of attention of various countries in the world today. In Architecture: Capacity to produce new or original ides , insights , inventions , or artistic products , that are accepted by experts of scientific , aesthetics , social , technical value.

11 4- why we look for creativity ?
The importance of creativity appear for that there is no field of discipliners never miss or neglect the meaning of creativity . creativity in organization is presented as a phase of innovation and is a crucial issue of the core of the economic system , in the world of economic knowledge. It is the capacity to produce new or original ides , insights , inventions , or artistic products , that are accepted by experts of scientific , aesthetics , social , technical value . In architecture : It refers to creative skills to produce a design that demonstrates an appreciation of economic factors , environment issues , social and cultural issues , building systems and materials .

12 5-How can we reach creativity ?
Specialists , scientists and phycologists declare , that creativity is the realm of imagination and cognition . The issue of conscious and unconscious . In conscious person can introduce only 16 bits a minute . In unconscious can introduce 160oo bits a minute. It is the relation between cognition and imagination , problem solving ,and innovation , according to : Three variables of : Cogitative variables Environmental variables Personality variables

13 Five indicators of : Fluency Flexibility Elaboration
Metaphorical thinking Originality Cognitive variables Intelligence Knowledge Technical skills Special talents Creativity As achievement Environmental Political – religious factors Cultural factors Socioeconomic factors Educational factors Personality Internal motivation Confidence Non- conformity Creativity (trait) Table .2. declares the major variables affect creativity

14 indicators characteristics Fluency Ability to generate a large number of ideas in response to open ended questions , or thinking process Flexibility Ability to shift the direction of ones thinking or to change ones point of view Elaboration Ability to add details and to expend ideas , and for making ideas richer , more interesting Metaphorical thinking Ability to use comparison or analogy to make new connections. To make the strange familiar or to make the familiar strange. Originality The ability to generate new and unusual ideas , to generate options statically in frequent Table .3. declares the major indicators and characteristics of creativity

15 Application - According to the theoretical level, the research creates many indicators and values according to the table below: Creativity variables factors Cognition factors creativity Cogitative Intelligence Knowledge Technical skills Special talents Fluency Flexibility Originality Elaboration Metaphorical thinking Computer techniques and software programs Environmental Political – religious factors Cultural factors Socioeconomic factors Educational factors Personality Internal motivation Confidence Non- conformity Creativity (trait) Table .4. declares the most important indicators , will depends in the investigation of the questionnaire,

16 A sample of two groups was selected for a questionnaire , and the method of selecting the group of 24 subscribers as below : A- Many questions will select on three statements , depending on , cogitative variables , environmental variables , and personality variables ,with relations of the cognition factors of creativity to test the impact of computer software programs as variables of computer techniques . the questionnaire depend on the variables of table 4. And table 5. , as shown in table 6. B- 12 members of architecture engineering students at the last stage (5th years) ,and 12 others of architects have been selected as sample . Form of (60) questions will deliver to see their replying of computer software techniques (CAD , 3DMAX, REVIT) on their thinking abilities of architectural design to generate forms . And according to the graphs below , we can see the impact of computer techniques and software , how affect creativity according the variables and indicators of creativity.

17 Fig. 1.,2. declare the impact of fluency and flexibility

18 Fig. 3.,4. declare the impact of originality , and elaboration .

19 Fig .5. declare the impact of metaphorical thinking.

20 Findings : - Creativity and its evaluation have been widely studied and subjected to critiques by researchers ,and specialists for its importance and involving of multiple epistemological , theoretical and methodological ties . Architecture and architectural design is one of that , which involves with design and design process , especially after the last phase of transformation , depending on creative problem – solving system . that phase depends ultra – cognitivism relates with individual recognition . -Creativity and design creativity includes the cognitive characteristics referred as divergent thinking abilities and metaphorical thinking , which digging deeper in ideas , including : analyzing , synthesizing , reorganizing or redefining , seeing relations , resolving ambiguity or bringing order from disorder , and producing complexity , or understanding complexity. - Creativity relates with problem- solving , aesthetics , fantasy and imagination . -There are no matching between students and architects in the result of the survey questionnaire , according to the factors of intelligence , special talents , non-conformity , political – religious and socioeconomic factors depending on their skills and training.

21 -There are two levels of creativity : first , as private one , that discover new one called traits , which can lead person to produce novelty , and second; public one which is new to everyone , under the definition of achievements as novel in public sense. -There are many majors variables affect creativity according to cognitative variables of (intelligence , knowledge , technical skills , special talents), personality variables of (motivation , confidence , non- formality , creativity of traits) and environmental variables of (political – religious factors, socioeconomic factors, cultural factors , educational factors). -Computer techniques and software simulate brain neurosis of cognition factors through (fluency , flexibility , originality , elaboration and metaphorical factors) to produce creative design product. -The impact of computer techniques and software differ through design process . it increases in the issue of knowledge , technical skills ,internal motivation , confidence , non- conformity , cultural factors , but it decreases in the issue of intelligence , special talents , political-religious factors , special talents and traits according to fluency , flexibility , originality , elaboration , and metaphorical factors, according to the results of survey questionnaire .

22 Thank you For your Attention

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