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The Rhetorical Triangle

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1 The Rhetorical Triangle

2 Rhetoric makes persuasion possible.
Rhetoric is the study and the art of using language effectively. component of college composition courses art of analyzing author’s language choices using techniques to write meaningful essays and speeches

3 According to Aristotle
The rhetorical transaction consists of three basic components: logos - author's ability to reveal logic and reason ethos - author's ability to reveal his or her credibility pathos - author's ability to appeal to the audience on an emotional level

4 The Rhetorical Triangle
To demonstrate author reliability and respect for the audience: Vocabulary & style geared toward audience & subject Sincere, fair approach / tone Correct grammar For an Emotional Response: Vivid, concrete language Connotative meanings Descriptions Emotional events or tone Figurative language Appealing to Logic: Literal and historical analogies Definitions Facts/ data/ statistics Quotations Citations from experts

5 When Reading / Studying Non-Fiction
Logos Note the claims the author makes, the level of urgency. Note the data the author provides in support of the claims. Note the conclusions the author draws. Ethos Note how the author establishes a persona Note how the author establishes credibility Note any revelation of the author's credentials or personal history Pathos Note the primary audience for the text Note the emotional appeals the author makes Note the author's expectations of the audience 

6 As a Writer, Ask Yourself…
Logos Have I established: the purpose for my text, and have I utilized the most effective genre? Have I established a clear, reasonable, and logical progression of my ideas? Have I addressed opposing arguments or perspectives? Ethos Have I established the appropriate persona? Have I established my credibility? Have I expressed my knowledge and expertise of the topic? Pathos Have I considered the primary audience; their background? Does my audience agree with me or will I have to persuade them of the validity of my argument? How will I make my text appeal to my audience?



9 Thanks, Mr. Gunnar

10 To get across ideas of equal value or to create snazzy sentences, use parallel sentence structure.
Which of the following sentences sounds best? King Alfred tried to make the law clear, precise, and equitable. (2) King Alfred tried to make clear laws that had precision and were equitable.

11 King Alfred tried to make the law clear, precise, and equitable.
If we label the parts of speech, the first sentence has this grammatical structure after the word law: [Adjective--Adjective--Adjective]. (2) King Alfred tried to make clear laws that had precision and were equitable. The second sentence has this grammatical structure after the word laws: [Relative Pronoun--Verb-- Direct Object--Conjunction--Verb--Adjective]. The first sentence has a clear pattern of adjective, adjective, adjective. The second sentence has no pattern at all!

12 To hear the difference between a parallel and non-parallel sentence, read the sentences below.
faulty parallelism: She revels in chocolate, walking under the moonlight, and songs from the 1930s jazz period. good parallelism: She revels in sweet chocolate eclairs, long moonlit walks, and classic jazz music. more good parallelism: She loves eating chocolate eclairs, taking moonlit walks, and singing classic jazz.

13 Do you hear the difference
Do you hear the difference? What causes that distinction between "good" and "bad" sentences? Again, the difference appears in the pattern of grammar. If we dissect the sentence, the faulty sentence on top has a grammatical pattern that looks like this: "She revels in . . . "chocolate," [Object of Preposition,] "walking under the moonlight," [Gerund--Preposition--Definite Article--Object of Preposition] "and songs from the 1930s jazz period." [Conjunction--Direct Object--Preposition--Definite Article--Adjective --Adjective--Object of Preposition] It's all a jumbled mess of different parts of speech being used in different ways.

14 "sweet chocolate eclairs," [Adjective--Adjective--Object]
On the other hand, the second sentence has a clear parallel pattern: "She revels in… "sweet chocolate eclairs," [Adjective--Adjective--Object] "long moonlit walks," [Adjective--Adjective--Object] "and classic jazz music." [Adjective--Adjective--Object] The same pattern (adjective, adjective object) reoccurs in the same way. It is parallel in its structure, and thus musical and rhythmical to read and to hear spoken aloud. The second example is also parallel, just in a different pattern. "eating chocolate eclairs" [Gerund--Adjective--Object of Gerund] "taking moonlit walks" [Gerund--Adjective--Object of Gerund] "and singing classic jazz." [Gerund--Adjective--Object of Gerund]

15 Thanks Ms. Wheeler!

16 Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention
known as a patriot and great orator

17 Historical Background
Colonists were content with British rule, until…(mid 1700s) After the French and Indian War, British troops stayed In 1774, Britain passed a series of new taxes and restrictions 1st Continental Congress sent petitions, hoping to peacefully separate (1774) 2nd Continental Congress (1775) is held after no response from Britain Patrick Henry thinks it is time to fight Britain

18 Read the text (page 262)

19 Desk Swap Get out one piece of paper. Choose a partner
Turn desks so that you face one another. Question #1, Paragraph #1 Does Henry develop ethos (connect with the audience) effectively? Explain and offer examples.

20 The partner who is tallest will now find a new partner to work with.
The paper stays on the desk.

21 3rd Paragraph Do you agree that the best way to judge the future is by the past? Explain, and include a supporting example.

22 The younger partner will now move to an empty desk on the opposite side of the room.

23 4th paragraph How do people use fear or other emotions (pathos) to motivate you?

24 The partner with the oldest shoes will now find a different partner.

25 7th paragraph Why do you think Patrick Henry waits until so late in his speech to make his point?

26 The partner with the shortest haircut will now move and work with someone new.

27 Line 90 What are the Brits fighting for?
What are the colonists fighting for? How will these goals affect their abilities to fight?

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