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2 The original source There are four clear threats to the modern family and possibly civilization at large; cell phones, video games, the internet, and junk food. We allow the first three because they are cheaper than tutors, private schools, and nannies. Indeed, games and gadgets support a kind of electronic autism where neither parent nor child speaks to each other until the latter is old enough to drive. With junk food the threat is more complicated; a fusion of chemistry and culture. In combination, internet social networks and poor diets seem to be conspiring to produce a generation of fat, lazy mutes with short attention spans.

3 The reaction paragraph
The author thinks that digital technologies cause violence and loss of key values in society. He is especially worried about the younger generation who are growing up with these technologies. I partially agree with the writer because the defective influences of these technologies are evident, yet not all aspects of development are evil if used correctly. First, on the one hand exposing children to all kinds of information will lead to the outcomes the writer mentions, here it is the responsibility of the parents to control and restrict what their children will watch. Children should be steered to programs and games reflecting their emotional and physical maturity. Second, not only children but also grown-ups have to be sensitive about this problem. If they are not media literate they cannot raise their children with this awareness. Children will copy the behavior they see. If you watch and play violent games so will your child. On the whole I partially agree with the writer that if you do not control technologies the effects of them on the young population can be devastating.

4 Writing a Reaction Paragraph
Read the written material. Read it again marking the points you would choose to react to. Write one sentence which explains the writer’s main idea. Decide on and write an overall topic sentence that reflects your reaction by: Agreeing Disagreeing Partially agreeing or disagreeing. Develop your reaction paragraph by giving your reasons in an organized way. Write a concluding sentence by paraphrasing the topic sentence.

5 OUTLINE Summary of the author’s idea: The author thinks that…
Topic sentence : I (partially) agree /disagree with the writer… Major1…………………………..…………….………….… Minor 1…………………………..……………………. Minor 2…………………………..….………………… Major 2…………………………………….….……………. Minor 1…………………….……………….….……… Minor 2………………….…………………..………… Concluding sentence: On the whole I (partially) agree /disagree with the writer…

6 Now write your own paragraph!

7 Topic to react to «Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.» Mitchell Kapor


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