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Traverse PC Basics How it Works and Why it Works that Way

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1 Traverse PC Basics How it Works and Why it Works that Way

2 Agenda (Video 0:00) Point of View (Engineers vs. Surveyors, CAD vs. TPC) All TPC Views Based on Data Managers and Views Tasks Manager Points Manager Traverses Manager Drawings Manager Names within your Survey Drawing View Traverse View Questions and Answers Resources

3 Point of View (Engineers vs. Surveyors, CAD vs. TPC) (Video 0:44)
Traditional CAD was created for Engineers and Architects, Not Surveyors Engineers and Architects are interested in designing things, Not placement (How many times have you sent your data to an Architect or Engineer and when they sent the file back to you, the coordinates had changed?) Surveyors measure and define what is before implementing changes Using traditional CAD programs for surveying requires many work-arounds Other surveying software programmers dedicated their efforts to CAD work-arounds Traverse PC is committed to doing everything from the Surveyor’s perspective and is not based on traditional CAD so there are no CAD work-arounds needed The No CAD Zone

4 All TPC Views Based on Data (Video 3:18)
Because Surveyors start by measuring and defining what is, TPC has designed every view based on the Surveyor’s data Even TPC Drawings are created by the data, not by the Surveyor drawing lines In TPC, you let the data do the work for you and you handle the exceptions and details The goals are: Accuracy (because everything is based on the data there are no missed snaps, for example), Efficiency (set things up once – use them many times) Flexibility (tweak and change things as needed) Better by Design

5 Managers and Views (Video 4:51)
Traverse PC has two kinds of windows Traditional Windows views like the Drawing View and the Traverse View Manager views like the Tasks Manager, Points Manager and Drawings Manager Managers are used for organizing larger portions of the file Traditional views are where most of the work happens Managers (5:55) - Easily manage data like Points, Traverses and Drawings. Windows (10.39) - Use windows to expose just the survey data you want.

6 Tasks Manager (Video 5:49)
The Tasks Manager is the highest level view in TPC The top section gives you access to files The Survey Information section provides information about the survey file you have open The TPC License section provides information about the program and your license The TPC On Line section provides access to various parts of the Traverse PC website The Learning Guides section provides access to the PDF Learning Guides for step-by-step instructions Managers (5:55)

7 Points Manager (Video 8:32)
Each survey file can contain an unlimited number of Points The Points Manager provides direct access to every Point in your survey – even if the Points are not in use anywhere else in the survey Like every view in Traverse PC, it is customizable for what you need Managers (5:55)

8 Traverses Manager (Video 9:48)
The unlimited number of points in your survey can be shared among an unlimited number of Traverses The Traverses Manager allows to you create, organize and display your Traverses in the Drawing View A Traverse in Traverse PC is any collection of points that belong together – and you decide what belongs together Traverse Drawing Settings allow you to tell TPC how to display the Traverses in your drawings Traverses can be considered as replacing CAD layers Managers (5:55)

9 Drawings Manager (Video 13:28)
The unlimited number of traverses in your survey can be shared among an unlimited number of Drawings The Drawings Manager allows to you create, organize and open your Drawings Managers (5:55)

10 Names within your Survey (Video 14:32)
The names of Drawings, Points and Traverses are not filenames – they are contained within the Survey TRV File and do not need file naming conventions All names should be intuitive to make it easy for you to know what is contained Traverse names should state what they are Traverses of and Drawing names should state what they are Drawings of The only rule is that you cannot have two like objects with the same name – Just as there can be only one Point 1, there can also be only one Lot 2 Traverse or Lot 2 Drawing

11 Drawing Learning Guide
Drawing View (Video 18:50) The Drawing View provides a graphic view of your Traverse data You define how the data is displayed - Let TPC do the majority of the work and you handle exceptions and details with Three levels of control Entire Drawing By Traverse Individual Objects Editing the data anywhere updates the data everywhere Move point 3 using Survey Point Properties Offset the Radius Points traverse from the drawing using COGO – ROW Offsets Drawing Learning Guide

12 Traverse View (Video 30:16)
The Traverse View is the heart of Traverse PC and it is what makes TPC different The Traverse View is the most customizable view in Traverse PC Formatting the Traverse View correctly for your data allows most COGO functions to happen intuitively and automatically The Traverse View displays Inverse Data by default but TPC always stores the Raw Data in the background for recall at any time Traverses Learning Guide

13 Questions and Answers (Q&A Video)
How do I easily re-order the points to get the traverse to draw the traverse lines in the right order? (Q&A 2:56) Can you go over the levels of control again? (Q&A 10:32) In creating traverses, do we want a clockwise direction? (Q&A 15:14) Go over moving traverse views again, it seems I have trouble moving especially to the top (Q&A 17:28) How do I save my work and does it resave new data? (Q&A 19:11) Are there typical jobs in Learning Center, i.e. a sequence of steps to accomplish a task? (Q&A 21:19) Is there a setting that will allow the drawing name to display on the border of the map by were the traverse pc label is in the lower left? (Q&A 23:51)

14 Resources (Video 41:56) TPC Learning Center – Over 300 videos with more added frequently TPC Desktop Learning Guides – Accessible via the Tasks Manager and in the Learning Center What’s New in the TPC Learning Center Technical Support Options – Are available on the Support page at Traverse PC User Group on LinkedIn A recording of this seminar will be available for download in the Learning Center on the Webinar Archives tab

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