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Administrator Days Statewide Assessment Presented July 30, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Administrator Days Statewide Assessment Presented July 30, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrator Days Statewide Assessment Presented July 30, 2014
Valorie Foy- Director Jeremy Heneger- Assistant Director Ed Foy- Writing Director John Moon- NeSA Project Manager Kim Snyder- NAEP Coordinator Tammi Peterman- Administrative Assistant

2 Nebraska School Accountability [NeSA]
Moving forward with Nebraska School Accountability [NeSA]

3 Letter of Assurances from Data Recognition Corporation
NeSA components available by September 1--Will be available August 29 Software Update Online Tools Training ( + Spanish) Practice Tests (+ Spanish) Guided practice tests Text-to-speech Check for Learning

4 DRC Assurances No new system downloads during the year except as needed to benefit districts (iPad and Chromebook- end of September) Better load and capacity testers DRC Technology Representative in Nebraska for Level II Technology Support— will work with districts as needed More “real-time” reporting of technology updates/incidents. Discussion of co-location of DRC servers

5 Updates Clear button removed from NeSA- Writing test
New entry screen (Less confusing) Better system in eDIRECT for student look-up and test management Chromebook and iPad Pilot statewide Chromebooks and iPads can be used for NeSA-Reading, Math, Science- March-May 2015

6 Updates Optional Spellchecker as a Special Education accommodation for NeSA-W New field added in spring 2015 to allow Individual Student Reports to be sortable by student's school of attendance in the fall All data changes due to zero score removals, writing verifications and such will go back to eDIRECT after all data are corrected

7 Standards/Assessment Transition
English/Language Arts Standards Fall 2014 Transition of Assessments Depth of Knowledge and Format of items Alignment Item Sampler Table of Specifications Item Development Item Piloting Operational Tests Standard Setting

8 Assessment/Accountability Advisory Committee
40-50 educators, representative schools and policy partners in Nebraska Met in June 2014 Two meetings per year-fall and spring

9 Check4Learning Assistant Director- Jeremy Heneger

10 Check4Learning (C4L) System is running
Districts can go ahead and add students and teachers to the system Usage-continues to increase Returning districts-no additional requirements Districts are still welcome to join Videos will be updated in September


12 iPad & Chromebook Pilot

13 iPad & Chromebook Pilot
Purpose-ensure that INSIGHT is working on these devices prior to use for NeSA-RMS October 27-November 7 Application will be available October 1 Pilot is open to all districts Districts determine their level of participation A single test at each grade level-5, 8, & 11 About 30 items covering RMS and a survey about the experience

14 2014-2015 NeSA-Writing Edward Foy-Director of Statewide Writing

15 Dates September 11 Prompt Writing in Lincoln
NeSA-Writing Grade 4 workshops for 4th Grade Teachers October 21st Scottsbluff----ESU 13 October 22 and 23 Kearney----ESU 10 October 24 Norfolk----ESU 8 October 28 Beatrice----ESU 5 (Confirming)

16 Accommodation Changes
The spell checker will be available on-line at grades 8 and 11 for students with an IEP or 504 plan. The spell checker as an accommodation will be available for: NeSA-W Practice Test NeSA-W Field Test NeSA-W Test

17 Changes to NeSA-W The Clear button has been removed from the system for the upcoming year. The remaining tools now come closer to functioning much the same as they do in word processing programs that students use on a daily basis.

18 Transcriptions NeSA-W under accommodations will have a bubble to fill in if the students’ paper was transcribed. The Transcription Form will contain a reminder to fill in this bubble.

19 NDE would like to retain the following:
Prompt Creation Field Testing Prompt Selection Rangefinding Score Verification Field Testing is the keystone activity for the above!

20 Request for Field Testing
NDE is requesting schools seriously consider participation the field test. Grade 8/11 will be on-line through the NeSA testing site. Prompts are assigned randomly to students. This is an opportunity for students to practice taking the test under the same conditions as the regular NeSA-W test. As a field test of future prompts for NeSA –W, the test results cannot be used in any other way. (example no local scoring) NDE appreciates school’s supporting this project as we want to keep prompt writing in the hands of Nebraska educators.

21 Request for Field Testing
Grade 4 Field Testing will take place in the spring. The testing is paper pencil. Rangefinding is dependent upon the Field Test.

22 2014 NeSA-W 8/11 On-Line Test Times
Time Span Grade 8 in Minutes: Time Span Grade 11 0 – 30 minutes 0 – 30 – 60 minutes 30 – 60 minutes 60 – 90 minutes 60 – 90 minutes 90 + minutes 90 + minutes Total tested Total tested

23 Nebraska Performance Accountability System

24 Nebraska Performance Accountability System
History Board Policy NePAS in current form LB # 438-Legislature Framework- State Board Statute

25 Implementation of Statute 79-760
Identification of three priority schools designated most in need of assistance to improve August 2015 – initial run of NePAS with the classification of all schools and school districts August 2016 – Priority Schools present their plans to State Board for approval

26 Implementation-the model
The model to determine performance level of each school and district— Recommendations to the State Board for further input developed by NePAS 1.1 Task Force Reading, Math, Science, Writing Status, Improvement, Growth Graduation Rate All students and subgroup(s)

27 Second Pass of schools in the lowest performance level to identify three priority schools
To be based on a fuller picture of each school in order to identify schools most in need of assistance to improve

28 Accountability-School Improvement- All Schools
Communication Learning from effective processes and strategies

29 Accountability-Vision for the future
Include other factors not yet available as data, possible- Dual Credit Advanced Placement Industry Certification International Baccalaureate Preschool Programs

30 NeSA-Release August 26th-10:00 a.m. Video Stream
Release of NeSA-Reading, Math, Science and Writing-Grade 4

31 District Information New DAC—need superintendent email
New N-TAC- need superintendent New or reorganized districts--need superintendent DAC N-TAC Address

32 Questions Do not hesitate to contact us at any time

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