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Northern European youth conference 2013

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1 Northern European youth conference 2013
“I will achieve” Northern European youth conference 2013

2 Initial thoughts about achievement
Achievement is reaching a definite goal. God only helps those who come to Him with a desire! An achievement is no real achievement unless it satisfies your innermost desires. It is easier to achieve when you see a model in front of you. Admiration is not enough, emulation is needed. To achieve, you must do something noble! If you will achieve, you must manage distractions wisely. To achieve, you must take both the easy and the difficult steps. There is a lot of fun in the Achievers’ Club! Isaiah 50:7




6 diploma


8 A LARGER family



11 Whatever your aspiration is, your attitude is crucial to your achievement. In fact, your attitude will determine your altitude! How you respond to this message can alter your life positively and powerfully.

12 Potential value is not always valued
Don’t be so buried in the current that you forget the future!

13 Onion model of ACHIEVEMENT
Outer core of manifestation Middle core of mobilisation Inner core of motivation WHY? WHAT? HOW?

14 Inner core of motivation
Motivation is why you do what you do. It is based on your core values, i.e. things that are very dear to you (Daniel 3:16-18). That is what focuses your choices. Having values helps you to make choices you can commit to because you are persuaded. Inner core of motivation

15 SELF motivation Anger, hatred, jealousy, pride, etc.
“How will this benefit ME?” “I will do this to prove/revenge/etc.” “I don’t want anybody to control me.” “How can I outsmart him/her/them?” “It is the end that justifies the means.” SELF We cannot achieve something truly satisfying if the underlining motivation is self.

16 CHRIST motivation Peace with God and man.
Loving your neighbour as yourself. Diligence – not slothful in business. Honesty – doing it because you believe in it. Respect: I am important, others are too. Mutual benefit: Let’s live and share. “If I cannot get it the right way, let’s forget it.” CHRIST When Jesus comes in, He helps you to discover the things that actually satisfy. Moreover, Christian values lead to lasting achievement because they make you credible and trustworthy. Galatians 2:20

17 Middle core of mobilisation
GOALS: What do I want to achieve? When do I want to achieve it? How will I know when it is achieved? Be sure it’s the right syllabus! PLANS: What do I need to achieve the goal? What do I have already? How do I get what is missing? Who can be of benefit to me? What do I need to do from day to day? Inner core of motivation No matter your talents, skills and resources, it is difficult to achieve success if you are not organised. Organisation bundles your resources and efforts. Proverbs 24:27

18 Outer core of manifestation
To get results, work out your plans. Do important and urgent things first. Create time for other important things. Spend time on total personal development. There should be not much time left! Whatever you need to do to finish the job, that is the right thing to do! Inner core of motivation If the purpose is noble and the plan is good, the diligence of consistent execution will bring the desired results. Proverbs 22:29

19 Even the sky cannot limit you if you are willing to achieve!

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