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The Journey of a Lifetime: Notes and Background

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1 The Journey of a Lifetime: Notes and Background
The Odyssey The Journey of a Lifetime: Notes and Background

2 Odysseus…….a different kind of hero

3 Background of Greek History
Western Civilization began about 3000 years ago Trojan War: 1st believed a myth; then evidence found in Turkey Trojan War: ~ 1200BC Troy – led by Hector Achaaens – led by Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus Homer, the author of The Odyssey & Iliad, was believed to be blind and lived ~ BC; little is known about him

4 Greek Civilization At time of Trojan War – Greece was in a “Dark Ages” – economic struggles, no writing system, no art or culture of its own All communication was passed on orally But! They could sail, and adopted the cultures of other civilizations they visited, such as Egypt and the Far East The 1st Olympic games was one result So was an alphabetic writing system Thus, Homer could finally tell the tale…

5 What Brought Odysseus to Troy?
Helen is married to Menelaus Paris of Troy seduces her & takes her away Trojan War begins – Odysseus goes to support Menelaus & Agamemnon Odysseus wins with “Trojan Horse” Menelaus takes Helen Home Agamemnon goes home – but is murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover

6 In retaliation of Agamemnon’s murder, his children, Orestes and Electra, murder their mother, Clytemnestra and her lover, Aegisthus Oh, what a tangled web we weave…….

7 Meanwhile, Odysseus is left to wander for 10 years ……..
ZEUS CYCLOPS POSEIDAN Poseidan is mad at Odysseus’s pridefulness and that he blinded his son, Cyclops So, he keeps wrecking ships, & killing off Odysseus’ men, but can’t kill him because Zeus won’t allow it (Athena is Daddy’s girl – and she likes Odysseus)

8 “The Face that Launched 1000Ships”

9 Where does Odysseus go?

10 The Gods and their whims are forever tied to their human Greek counterparts

11 REMEMBER: Greeks understood mythology as a religion that they completely believed Out of respect, they worshipped various gods in the belief that the more they pleased them, the more favorable their lives would be Individual city states would adopt a certain god, hoping it would give their state an advantage over another So, Homer’s Odyssey was definitely a true reflection of Greek beliefs, way of life, and moral code

12 Fate v. Free Will: The Eternal Struggle

13 The Structure of the Odyssey: 3 Stories in One
One: What’s going on in Ithaca with wife Penelope and son Telemachus while Odysseus is gone Two: The story of Odysseus’s 10-year wanderings Three: These all come together when Odysseus gets back to Ithaca and destroys his enemies

14 Themes in the Odyssey Appreciation for & love of home
Overcoming obstacles & temptations in life’s journey to reach a place of peace and joy The importance of using wisdom, manners, and following a religious code to have good fortune in life The dangers and misfortune that come to those with too much pride or ego

15 The Odyssey: Modern Lessons from Ancient Times

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